Folded calc-silicate rocks, Damara Fold Belt, Namibia
Tectonics and Resources

Our research


Actual research projects


Subproject of SPP 1833: Building a habitable Earth

Terrane spotting - an investigation of different models for the formation of the first continents

PI: Prof. Annika Dziggel (Ph.D.).

Archean cratons are generally characterized by steeply dipping, large-scale shear zones. The shear zones are often interpreted as terrane boundaries separating crustal fragments of different geological evolution. The accretion of terranes implies the prevalence of horizontal shortening and thus subduction. However, it is also plausible that some of the steep shear zones were formed by partial convection-induced upheaval and the subsidence of gravitationally unstable greenstone belts into the deep crust. This process does not require subduction. Recognizing these different geodynamic processes is often difficult because Archean rocks have a long and complex evolution characterized by multiple deformation events and subsequent tectonic overprinting. This project will test two different hypotheses (terrane accretion versus later overprinting of a formerly continuous segment of Archean crust) for the origin of the Lewisian complex in Scotland using phase diagram modeling and in situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf, O isotopes and trace element analysis in zircon. The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the age and conditions of crustal formation within individual terranes, in order to clarify whether the tectonic blocks are actually terranes or whether they represent distinct crustal domains of a once-contiguous Archean continent.

To the SPP 1833 website (https://habitableearth.uni-koeln.de/).

PI: Prof. Annika Dziggel (Ph.D.) and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

DFG Individual Grants

The role of mafic-ultramafic bodies in the formation of the early continental crust

PI: Dr. Silvia Volante & Prof. Annika Dziggel (PhD)

Main components of the oldest continental crust are sodic rocks of the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) series, formed by partial melting of hydrous metabasalts at different depths. However, the processes associated with the formation of the TTG melts remain controversial, and fundamental questions regarding the role and origin of water in the formation of such large volumes of melts remain to be answered.

This project aims to better characterize the pressure-temperature-composition-time (P-T-X-t) conditions during partial melting of natural Archean mafic-ultramafic protoliths and their role in the formation of TTG melts. In particular, we aim to investigate the role and origin of water during partial melting and explore how the different composition of mafic-ultramafic protoliths and the availability of water control the composition and volume of melts produced. The samples studied include pairs of TTGs and enclosed mafic-ultramafic rocks from different Archean terrains that differ in terms of their assumed geodynamic evolution and age.

Phase equilibrium modeling will be used to determine the conditions during melt formation and the composition of the resulting melts. These results will be combined with trace element modeling and whole-rock geochemistry of the TTG gneisses to compare the modeled melt compositions with those of the natural TTG gneiss samples. In addition, U-Pb dating and trace element and oxygen isotope analyses of zircon will be used to i) determine the age and P-T conditions of the zircon-equilibrated TTG melts, ii) obtain further information on melt depth, and iii) determine the source of water during melt formation. The results of this study have the potential to make an important contribution to the long-standing debate on the formation of arcaic TTGs, and may also provide further insight into the geodynamic environments in which they were formed.

DFG Individual Grant

Deep-time multi-mineral thermochronology of the Bushveld Igneous Complex – constraints for the upper crustal evolution of the northern Kaapvaal Craton

PI: Dr. Mathias Hueck

Despite its prominence as one of the most studied igneous complexes in the world, information about the last 2 billion years of thermal evolution at temperatures below 300°C of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) is still very limited. Recent research has demonstrated that the thermal history of the cratonic upper crust is commonly not monotonous, but episodically triggered by different geological events, such as: (1) burial & exhumation of sedimentary basins; (2) increases of the geothermal gradient due to intraplate magmatism or changes in the basal heat flow; (3) structural responses to far-field tectonic drives; or (4) large-scale, climate-induced erosion. These events are often not evident from the geological record after hundreds of millions to billions of years of accumulated erosion. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the ca. 2,000 Myr-long upper-crust geological evolution of the BIC after its rapid emplacement and cooling below ca. 300°C in the Archean Kaapvaal Craton. As such, it represents a shift from traditional apatite and zircon thermochronology focusing on geologically young regions towards a more thorough understanding of the <300°C thermal history of old cratonic regions. This will be achieved by recovering detailed thermal histories based on the systematic application of (U-Th)/He and fission-track dating of a large range of minerals with different closure temperatures (zircon, apatite, titanite, rutile, garnet, baddeleyite, magnetite) and varying contents of radioactive elements. The analyses will further be complemented by state-of the art techniques such as in-situ (U-Th)/He dating and Raman spectroscopy mapping, allowing for a single-crystal estimate of the mineral’s thermal sensitivity. The combination and cross-calibration of several thermochronometers will lead to (1) a much-improved understanding of geological processes and evolution of cratonic regions and (2) expand the toolbox for unravelling thermally complex and lithologically diverse regions. The study area is ideally suited for reconstructing its deep-time thermal history in the upper crust, as it combines: (1) a large area with equivalent history of very rapid (few Myr) post-emplacement cooling to ca. 300°C; (2) very good field exposure; (3) an impressive mineralogical variation at outcrop scale (including minerals with varying content of radioactive elements); (4) a wealth of accumulated research in the area; and (5) very long thermal evolution at mid- to low-temperature conditions.

DAAD funding in the PPP Canada 2023 programme.

PI: Dr. S. Schuth


Basei, M.A., Hueck, M., Oriolo, S., Neto, M.C.C. (2024): The Rio de la Plata and Paranapanema cratons: Uncovering the hidden pieces of west Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 107582.

Arduin-Rode, F., Sosa, G., van den Kerkhof, A., Krüger, Y., Bajnai, D., Pack, A., ..., Hueck, M. (2024): World-class amethyst-agate geodes from Los Catalanes, Northern Uruguay: genetic implications from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita, DOI: 10.1007/s00126-024-01310-2.

Bhattacharya, S., Basei, M.A.S., Kar, R., Hueck, M., Chatterjee, S., Ghosh, A. (2024): Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes from granulites and gneisses from Kabbaldurga, in the Dharwar Craton, South India: Implications for Mesoarchean magmatic charnockite in the crustal evolutionary trajectory. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, DOI: 10.18814/epiiugs/2024/024006.

Fonseca, R.O.C, Beyer, C., Bissbort, T., Hartmann, R., Schuth, S. (2024): Partitioning of highly siderophile elements between monosulfide solid solution and sulfide melt at high pressures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179, 17, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-023-02092-y

Hueck, M., Basei, M.A., Frimmel, H., Lino, L.M., Corrêa, V.X., Tesser, L.R., ..., Ganade, C.E. (2024): Pan-African granitic magmatism of the Kaoko Belt: Tectonic perspective from its South American connection and insights into the crustal architecture of SW Gondwana. Precambrian Research 405, 107366.



Kommescher, S., Kurzweil, F., Fonseca, R.O.C., Rzehak, L.J.A., Hohl, S.V., Kirchenbaur, M., Schuth, S., Sprung, P., Münker, C. (2023): Mineralogical controls on the Ti isotope composition of subduction zone magmas. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2022GC010840. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010840

Lino, L.M., Quiroz-Valle, F.R., Vlach, S.R.F., Basei, M.Â.S., Vilalva, F.C.J., Hueck, M., Martins, J.V. (2023): Deciphering the parent-daughter relationship between Ediacaran high-silica ignimbrites and their complementary silicic cumulates: Insights from zircon trace element composition. Chemical Geology 635, 121629.



Barrote, V.R., Volante, S., Blereau, E.R., Rosière, C.A., Spencer, C.J. (2022): Implications of the dominant LP–HT deformation in the Guanhães Block for the Araçuaí West-Congo Orogen evolution, Gondwana Research 107, 154-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2022.03.012

Kotzé, E., Schuth, S., Goldmann, S., Holtz, F. (2022): The influence of humic substances on the weathering of PGE in chromitite of the Bushveld Complex: An experimental simulation of the weathering environment. South African Journal of Geology, https://doi.org/10.25131/sajg.125.0020

Hohl, S.V., Schuth, S., Münker, C., König, S., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Kuduon, J. (2022): Geochemical evolution of the Rabaul volcanic complex, Papua New Guinea - Insights from HFSE, Sr-Nd-Hf, and Fe isotopes. Lithos 408-409, 106560.

Kirchenbaur, M., Schuth, S., Barth, A.R., Luguet, A., König, S., Idrus, A., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Münker, C. (2022): Sub-arc mantle enrichment in the Sunda rear-arc inferred from HFSE systematics in high-K lavas from Java. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177, 8-25.

Tittel, J., Büttner, O., Friese, K., Lechtenfeld, O. J., Schuth, S., von Tümpling, W., Musolff, A. (2022): Iron exports from catchments are constrained by redox status and topography. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36, e2021GB007056. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GB007056

Volante, S., Collins, W. J., Barrote, V., Nordsvan, A. R., Pourteau, A., Li, Z. X., Beams, S. (2022): Spatio–temporal evolution of Mesoproterozoic magmatism in NE Australia: A hybrid tectonic model for final Nuna assembly. Precambrian Research, 372, 106602.



Diener, J.F.A., Dziggel, A. (2021): Can mineral equilibrium modelling provide additional details on metamorphism of the Barberton garnet amphibolites? South African Journal of Geology 124, 211-224.

Moyen, J.-F., Zeh, A., Cuney, M., Dziggel, A., Carrouée, S. (2021): The multiple ways of recycling Archaean crust: a case study from the ca. 3.1 Ga granitoids from the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 353, 105998.

Schlüter, J., Schuth, S., Fonseca, R.O.C., Wendt, D. (2021): A remarkable discovery of electrum on the island of Sylt, northern Germany, and its Scandinavian origin. European Journal of Mineralogy 33 (4), 373-387.



Brüske, A., Martin, A.N., Rammensee, P., Eroglu, S., Lazarov, M., Albut, G., Schuth, S., Aulbach, S., Schoenberg, R., Beukes, N., Hofmann, A., Nägler, T., Weyer, S. (2020): The onset of oxidative weathering traced by uranium isotopes. Precambrian Research 338, 105583.  

Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2020) Site GT2: foliated to layered gabbro transition. In Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team, Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). https://doi.org/10.14379/OmanDP.proc.2020

Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2020) Site GT1. In Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., et al., Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). https://doi.org/10.14379/OmanDP.proc.2020

Li J., Pourteau A., Li Z.-X., Jourdan F., Nordsvan A.R., Collins W.J., Volante S., 2020. Heterogeneous Exhumation of the Mount Isa Orogen in NE Australia after 1.6 Ga Nuna Assembly: New High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronological Constraints. Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006129. https://-doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006129.

Olierook H.K.H., Affleck R.G., Evans N.J., Jourdan F., Kirkland C.L., Volante S., Nordsvan A.R., McInnes B.I., McDonald B., Mayers C., Frew R.A., Rankenburg K., d’Offay N., Nind M., Larking A., 2020. Mineralization proximal to the final Nuna suture in northeastern Australia. Gondwana Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.12.017.

Pourteau A., Doucet L.S., Blereau E., Volante S., Johnson T.E., Collins W.J., Li Z.-X., Champion D., 2020. TTG generation by fluid-fluxed crustal melting: Direct evidence from the Proterozoic Georgetown Inlier, NE Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 550, 116548.

Volante S., Collins W.J., Blereau E., Pourteau A., Spencer C.J., Evans N.J., Barrote V., Nordsvan A.R., Li Z.-X., Li J., 2020. Reassessing zircon-monazite thermometry with thermodynamic modelling: insights from the Georgetown igneous complex, NE Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175, 110 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-020-01752-7.

Volante S., Collins W.J., Pourteau A., Li Z.-X., Li J., Nordsvan A., 2020. Structural evolution of a 1.6 Ga orogeny related to the final assembly of the supercontinent Nuna: coupling of episodic and progressive deformation. Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006162. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006162.



Balzer, R., Behrens, H., Schuth, S., Waurischk, T., Reinsch, S., Müller, R., Fechtelkord, M., Deubener, J. (2019): The influence of H2O and SiO2 on the structure of silicoborate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 519, doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2019.05.030

Dziggel, A., Diener, J.F.A., Kokfelt, T.F., Kolb, J., Scherstén, A. (2019) Thermal structure and evolution of an Archean large hot orogen: insights from the Tasiusarsuaq terrane, SW Greenland. Precambrian Research, 335, 105499.

Dziggel, A., Kisters, A.F.M. (2019) Chapter 26 - Tectono-metamorphic controls on Archaean gold mineralization in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. In: Van Kranendonk, M., Bennett, V., Hoffmann J.E. (Eds.) Earth’s Oldest Rocks (2nd Edition). Developments in Precambrian Geology, Elsevier, 655-674.

Horn, S., Dziggel, A., Kolb, J., Sindern, S. (2019) Textural characteristics and trace element distribution in carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag ores at the Paleoproterozoic Black Angel deposit, Central West Greenland. Mineralium Deposita, 54 (4), 507-524.

Kotzé, E., Schuth, S., Goldmann, S., Winkler, B., Botcharnikov, R.E., Holtz, F. (2019): The mobility of palladium and platinum in the presence of humic acids: An experimental study. Chemical Geology 514, 65-78.

Schuth, S., Brüske, A., Hohl, S.V., Jiang, S.-Y., Meinhardt, A.-K., Gregory, D.D., Viehmann, S., Weyer, S. (2019): Vanadium and its isotope composition of river water and seawater: analytical improvement and implications for vanadium isotope fractionation. Chemical Geology 528, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.036

Shollenberger, Q.R., Wittke, A., Render, J., Mane, P., Schuth, S., Weyer, S., Gussone, N., Wadhwa, M., Brennecka, G.A. (2019): Combined mass-dependent and nucleosynthetic isotope variations in refractory inclusions and their mineral separates to determine their original Fe isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta 263, 215-234.