Publikationenliste/List of publications
Dies ist eine Zusammenstellung der Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe Sediment- und Isotopengeologie von 2002 bis heute. Ab 2024 sind zudem die Publikationen der AG Sedimentäre Geochemie gelistet.
This is a compilation of all peer-reviewed papers published by the Department for Sediment and Isotope Geology from 2002 onwards. From 2024 the list also includes publications of the working group Sedimentary Geochemistry.
Mono, P., HOFFMANN, R., JÖNS, N., Klügel, A., STEVENS, K., Brachert, T., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2025) Palaeoenvironmental implications and genesis of lacustrine Lower Triassic giant ooids. Facies 71:7.
ZHANG, Y., MUELLER, M., HOFFMANN, R., RIECHELMANN, S., Chakraborty, S., Kaczmarek, S.E., Beyer, C., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2025). Towards an improved understanding of Ca–Mg carbonates with nonplanar surfaces: An experimental approach. Sedimentology. 72, 100-131. DOI: 10.1111/sed.13228.
Vasileios, M., Brazier, J.-M., Goetschl, K.E., RIECHELMANN, S., Dietzel, M. and Schott, J. (2025) Effect of sulfate on the kinetic and equilibrium Magnesium isotope fractionation between low Mg calcite and fluid. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
UWAKWE, O.C., RIECHELMANN, S., MUELLER, M., Reinsch, T., Balcewicz, M., Igbokwe, O.A., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2025) Scaling in fractured geothermal carbonate reservoir rocks: An experimental approach. Geothermics 125, 103199.
Smeraglia, L., Verdecchia, A., Pederson, C., IGBOKWE, O.A., MUELLER, M., Harrington, R. (2025) Structural controls on hydrothermal fluid flow in a carbonate geothermal reservoir: Insights from giant carbonate veins in western Germany. Geothermics 125.
Neuweiler, F., MUELLER, M., Walter, B.J., Landing, Ed., Beranoaguirre, A., Sendino, C., L. Amati and Kershaw, S. (2024) Spongy-looking microfabrics in the earliest named stromatolite represent deep burial alteration and incipient metamorphism. Scientific Reports,
Arduin-Rode, F., Sosa, G., Van Den Kerkhof, A., Krüger, Y., Bajnai, D., Pack, A., Di Rocco, T., Oyhantçabal, P., Wemmer, K., HERWARTZ, D., Klipsch, S., Wiegand, B., Siegesmund, S., Hueck, M. (2024). World-class amethyst-agate geodes from Los Catalanes, Northern Uruguay: genetic implications from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Miner. Deposita.
Bajnai, David, Cao, X., Klipsch, S., Pack, A., HERWARTZ, D. (2024). Triple oxygen isotope systematics of CO2 hydroxylation. Chem. Geol. 654, 122059.
Bajnai, D., Klipsch, S., Davies, A.J., Raddatz, J., Gischler, E., Rüggeberg, A., Pack, A., HERWARTZ, D. (2024). Correcting for vital effects in coral carbonate using triple oxygen isotopes. Geochem. Perspect. Lett. 31, 38–43.
Deuβen, K., Voigt, C., Staubwasser, M., Münker, C., El-Shenawy, M., Klipsch, S., HERWARTZ, D. (2024). Hydroclimate of the Messinian Salinity Crisis constrained from paleo-water triple oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium isotopes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 375, 134–145.
El‐Shenawy, M.I., HERWARTZ, D., Staubwasser, M. (2024). A passive method for sampling water in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum for stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 38, e9646.
FENG, D., Surma, J., Tütken, T., Löffler, N., Heinemann, G., Tröster, G., ZAHNOW, F., HERWARTZ, D., Pack, A. (2024). Triple oxygen isotopes of modern terrestrial mammalian tooth enamel – New implications for paleoenvironmental and physiological research. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 365, 21–34.
Fischer, M., Peters, S.T.M., HERWARTZ, D., Hartogh, P., Di Rocco, T., Pack, A. (2024). Oxygen isotope identity of the Earth and Moon with implications for the formation of the Moon and source of volatiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 121, e2321070121.
HERWARTZ, D., Viehmann, S. (2024). Does water transparency control the banding in shallow water iron formations? South Afr. J. Geol. 127, 379–390.
Bandara, D., Smit, J., Gunatilake, T., RIECHELMANN, S., Wohnlich, S. and Heinze, T. (2024). Fluid upwelling and alluvial controls on spring localization: An example from Sri Lanka. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 26, 101289.
Igbokwe, O.A., Jithender, J.T., Kumar, A., Yan, X., MUELLER, M., Verdecchia, A., Mechke, G., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2024). Impact of stress regime change on the permeability of a naturally fractured carbonate buildup (Latemar, the Dolomites, northern Italy. Solid Earth 15, 763–787.
Tran, T.Q., RIECHELMANN, S., Banning, A. and Wohnlich, S. (2024). Environmental relevance monitoring and assessment of ochreous precipitates, hydrochemistry and water sources from abandoned coal mine drainage. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196, 700.
MUELLER, M., Walter, B.F., Giebel, R.J., Beranoaguirre, A., Swart, P.K., Lu, C., RIECHELMANN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2024). Towards a better understanding of the geochemical proxy record of complex carbonate archives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Klug, C., Schweigert, G., HOFFMANN, R., Fuchs, D., POHLE, A., Weis, R. and De Baets, K. (2024). Anatomy and size of Megateuthis, the largest belemnite. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 143, 23.
POHLE, A. and Klug, C. (2024). Orthoceratoid and coleoid cephalopods from the Middle Triassic of Switzerland with an updated taxonomic framework for Triassic Orthoceratoidea. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 143, 14.
NAVA-FERNANDEZ, C., Braun, T., Pederson, C.L., Fox, B., Hartland, A., Kwiecien, O., Höpker, S.N., Bernasconi, S., Jaggi, M., Hellstrom, J., Gázquezm, F., French, A., Marwan, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Breitenbach, S.F.M. (2024). Mid- Holocene rainfall seasonality and ENSO dynamics over the south-western Pacific. The Depositional Record, 10.1002/dep2.268.
BERNDSEN, M., Selcuk, E., Akin, T., Akin, S., Nardini, I., IMMENHAUSER, A., Nehler, M. (2024). Experimental study and kinetic modeling of high temperature and pressure CO2 mineralization. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 132, 104044.
POHLE, A., Jell, P. and Klug, C. (2024) Plectronoceratids (Cephalopoda) from the latest Cambrian at Black Mountain, Queensland, reveal complex three-dimensional siphuncle morphology, with major taxonomic implications. PeerJ 12:e17003.
Coimbra, R., Cabral, M.C., Azeredo, A.C. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2024) Constraints on the robustness of oyster geochemical proxy data: application to shallow-water carbonates (Lusitanian Basin, W Portugal). Newletters on Stratigraphy. Early View. DOI: 10.1127/nos/2023/0782.
Cichowolski, M., Vaccari, N.E., POHLE, A., Morón Alfonso, D.A., Vaucher, R. & Waisfeld, B.G. (2023) Early Tremadocian cephalopods from Santa Rosita Formation in NW Argentina: the oldest record for South America. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68.
MONO, P., HOFFMANN, R., Wisshak, M., Lokier, S.W., Pederson, C., Hennhoefer, D., Diaz, M.R., Swart, P.K., Nehrke, G., MMENHAUSER, A., (2023) Microborings reveal alternating agitation, resting and sleeping stages of modern marine ooids. Sedimentology. 10.1111/sed.13149.
Barido-Sottani, J., POHLE, A., De Baets, K., Murdock, D., & Warnock, R. C. M. (2023) Putting the F into FBD analysis: tree constraints or morphological data? Palaeontology 66, e12679.
ZHONG, Y., Lokier, S.W., Pederson, C., Fiorini, F., Hennhoefer, D., Ge, Y., IMMENHAUSER, A., (2023) Carbonate sediment dynamics in the Abu Dhabi lagoon - implications for low-angle inner-to-middle ramp models. Marine Geology 465, 107172.
Eichinger, S., Ronny, B., Baldermann, A., Goetschl, K.E., Wenighofer, R., Hoffmann, R., Stamm, F., Hippler, D., Grengg, C., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Dietzel, M. (2023) Unravelling calcite-to-aragonite evolution from a subsurface fluid - Formation pathway, interfacial reactions and nucleation effects. Chemical Geology 641, Article number 121768.
MUELLER, M., Walter, B.F., Beranoaguirre, A., HEINELT, M. and IMMENHAUSER A. (2023). Hydrothermal karst cavities in a Devonian carbonate reservoir analogue (Rhenish Massif, Germany): Implications for geothermal energy potential. SEG 23.
Staudigel, P.T., Pederson, C., van der Lubbe, J., Bernecker, M., Tagliavento, M., Davies, A., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Fiebig, J. (2023) An Isotopologue-Enabled Model (D47, D48) for Describing Termal Fluid-Carbonate Interaction in Open and Closed Diagenetic Systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2023GC011117. https://doi/10.1029/2023GC011117
Klug, C., HOFFMANN, R., Tischlinger, H., Fuchs, D., POHLE, A., Rowe, A., Rouget, I. and Kruta, I. (2023) ‘Arm brains’ (axial nerves) of Jurassic coleoids and the evolution of coleoid neuroanatomy. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 142, 22.
Wang, T., HOFFMANN, R., He, S., Zhang, Q., Li, G., Randrianaly, H.N., Xie, J., Yue, Y. and Ding, L. (2023) Early Cretaceous climate for the southern Tethyan Ocean: Insights from the geochemical and paleoecological analyses of extinct cephalopods. Global and Planetary Change, Doi:
Fichtner, V., Schurr, S.L., Strauss, H., Vasconcelos, C., Goetschl, K.E., Areias, C. Barbosa, C.F. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023) The Relationship between Bacterial Sulfur Cycling and Ca/Mg Carbonate Precipitation—Old Tales and New Insights from Lagoa Vermelha and Brejo do Espinho, Brazil. Geosciences 2023, 13, 229.
Coimbra, R., Moreno-Azana, M., Ezquerro, L., Nunez-Lahuerta, C., Gasca, J.M., IMMENHAUSER, A., Mateus, O. and Rocha, F. (2023) Evaluating and comparing geochemical sampling protocols in dinosaur eggshells: refining Cretaceous ecosystem research. Cretaceous Research, 151, 105632.
Griesshaber, E., Checa, A.G., Salas, C., HOFFMANN, R., Yin, X., NEUSER, R., Rupp, U. and Schmahl, W. (2023) Biological light-weight materials: the endoskeletons of cephalopod mollusks. Journal of Structural Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2023.107988.
UWAKWE, O.C., RIECHELMANN, S., HOFFMANN, R., Spötl, C., Jantschke, A., Hansen, M. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023) Experimental precipitation of cryogenic carbonate. Chemical Geology 635, 12615.
Klug, C., Coates, M., Frey, L., Greif, M., Jobbins, M., POHLE, A., Lagnaoui, A., Bel Haouz, W. & Ginter, M. (2023). Broad snouted cladoselachian with sensory specialization at the base of modern chondrichthyans. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 142, 2. doi: 10.1186/s13358-023-00266-6
Hu, Y., Cai, C., Sun, P., Zhang, H., Liu, Z., Li, L., Wang, Q., Tang, W. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023). Palaeo-environmental significance of fibrous carbonate cement in Marinoan cap carbonates. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 155, 106392,
Hu, Y., Cai, C., Li, Y., Liu, D., Wei, T., Wang, D., Jiang, L., Ma, R., Shi, S. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023) Sedimentary and diagenetic archive of a deeply-buried, upper Ediacaran microbialite reservoir, S.W. China. AAPG Bulletin 107, 387-412.
JAGERT, F., IMMENHAUSER, A. und Wohnlich S. Hydrogeochemical modelling of grundwater in a fractured Carboniferous sandstone aquifer. (2023). Grundwasser - Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie.
STEVENS, K., POHLE, A., HOFFMANN, R. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023). Bayesian inference reveals a complex evolutionary history of belemnites. Palaeotologia Electronica, 26, a13.
Shen, Y., Neuweiler, F. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023). Ordovician carbonate factors turnover tracked by its depositional, diagenetic, and carbon and oxygen isotope record. Palaeoceanography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 621, 111570.
UNGER, T., Salliol, M., Aretz, M., Lokier, S., MUELLER, M., Karius, V. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2023). Inside a Middle Devonian carpet reef: Cave exposes details of facies architecture and palaeoecology. Sedimentology.
IMMENHAUSER, A., HOFFMANN, R., RIECHELMANN, S., MUELLER, M., Scholz, D., Voigt, S., Niggemann, S., BUHL, D., Dornseif, M. and Platte, A. (2023) Petrographic and geochemical constraints on the formation of gravity‐defying speleothems. The Depositional Record.
Ge, Y., Pederson, C.L., Lokier, S.W., Strauss, H. and IMMENHAUSER, A.(2023). Radiaxial fibrous calcite forms via early marine-diagenetic alteration of micritic magnesium calcite. Sedimentology, 70, 434-450.
Whicher, J.T., Chandler, R.B. and HOFFMANN, R. (2023). Lytoceratid ammonites from the Inferior Oolite Formation (Middle Jurassic, Aalenian and Bajocian) of Dorset (United Kingdom). Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,
Morón-Alfonso, D.A., HOFFMANN, R., Cichowolski, M., Rodriguez, M.G. (2023). Discovery of ammonoid jaw apparatus and associated features using reflectance transformation imaging (RTI). Publicación Electrónica de la Asociacón Argentina 23(1): 34-48.
Gischler, E., Meyer, G., Braga, J.C., RIECHELMANN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Eisenhauer, A. (2022, in press) Neogene and Quaternary reef terraces of Mangaia, Rarotonga and Aitutaki (southern Cook Islands, South Pacific) revisited: gauges of sea-level change and island uplift?, Coral Reefs and Sea-Level Change: Quaternary Records and Modelling. IAS Special Publication, pp. 275-317.
GE, Y., PEDERSON, C.L., Lokier, S., Strauss, H. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2022) Holocene analog of ancient marine radiaxial fibrous calcite: early alteration of marine micritic Mg calcite cement. Sedimentology. DOI 10.1111/sed.13064
MUELLER, M., Walther, B.F., Swart, P.K., JÖNS, N., Jacquemyn, C., IGBOKWE, O.A. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2022) A tale of three fluids: Fluid-inclusion and carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometry reveals complex dolomitization and dedolomitization history of the Latemar platform. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 92, 1141-1168.
De Baets, K., HOFFMANN, R., Mironenko, A. 2022. Chapter 7 – Evolutionary history of cephalopod pathologies linked with parasitism. In: De Baets, K. & Huntley, J.W. (eds.) The evolution and fossil record of parasitism. Topics in Geobiology 50: 203-249.
HOFFMANN, R., Howarth, M.K., Fuchs, D., Klug, C., Korn, D. 2022. The higher taxonomic nomenclature of Devonian to Cretaceous ammonoids and Jurassic to Cretaceous ammonites including their authorship and publication. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 305(2): 187-197.
Klug, C., HOFFMANN, R., Fuchs, D., Nabhitabhata, J., De Baets, K., Cheng, J., Bonnaud-Ponticelli, L. (2022). Special Issue: Cephalopod Palaeobiology - Honoring Sigurd von Boletzky. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 2022: 1-248.
Klug, C., Bonnaud-Ponticelli, L., Nabhitabhata, J., Fuchs, D., De Baets, K., Cheng, J., HOFFMANN, R. (2022). Cephalopod palaeobiology: evolution and life history of the most intelligent invertebrates - Honoring Sigurd von Boletzky and his contributions to cephalopod research. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 141:7 p. 1-10.
Fuchs, D., HOFFMANN, R., Klug, C. (2022). Evolutionary development of the cephalopod arm armature: a review. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 140:27 p. 179-196.
IMMENHAUSER, A. (2022) On the delimitation of the carbonate burial realm. The Depositional Record.
Zhu, B., Wilson, S. A., Raudsepp, M. J., Vessey, C. J., Zeyen, N., Safari, S., Snihur, K. N., Wang, B., RIECHELMANN, S., Paulo, C., Power, I. M., Rostron, B. J., and Alessi, D. S. (2022) Accelerating mineral carbonation in hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water using CO2-rich gas. Applied Geochemistry 143, 105380.
RIECHELMANN, S., Spötl, C., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2022). Time series of δ26Mg variability in precipitation of north-west Germany. The Depositional Record 8, 457-471, DOI:
Fussmann, D., von Hoyningen-Huene, A. J. E., Reimer, A., Schneider, D., Karius, V. RIECHELMANN, S., PEDERSON, C., Swart, P. K., Daniel, R. and Arp, G. (2022) Decoupling of Pore Water Chemistry, Bacterial Community Profiles, and Carbonate Mud Diagenesis in a Land-Locked Pool on Aldabra (Seychelles, Indian Ocean), Geomicrobiology Journal, 1-19.
Cifer, T., Goričan, Š., Auer, M., Demény, A., Fraguas, A., Gawlick, H.-J. and RIECHELMANN, S. (2022) Integrated Stratigraphy (radiolarians, calcareous nannofossils, carbon and strontium isotopes) of the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian transition at Mt. Rettenstein, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. Global and Planetary Change 212, 103811.
Stritzke, R., Pint, A., Zeeden, C., Rolf, C., Frenzel, P., Hahne, J., HOFFMANN, R., Schneider, C., Hambloch, C. and Schrijver, D. (2022) Niederschönhagen, Detmold, Germany: a 170 m long Early Quaternary Lake Record from a subrosion surface. Quaternary Newsletter, 155, 42-51.
Riechelmann, D. F. C., RIECHELMANN, S. and Schröder-Ritzrau, A. (2022) Long-term elemental trends in drip waters from monitoring Bunker Cave: New insights for past precipitation variability. Chemical Geology 590, 120704.
HOFFMANN, R., Linzmeier, B.J., Kitajima, K., Nehrke, G., Dietzel, M., JÖNS, N., STEVENS, K. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021) Complex biomineralization pathways of the belemnite rostrum cause biased paleotemperature estimates. Minerals 11, 1406,
PEDERSON, C., MUELLER, M., LIPPERT, K., IGBOKWE, O. A., RIECHELMANN, S., Lersch, S., Benger, P., Verdecchia, A. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Impact of a regional fault zone on the properties of a deep geothermal carbonate reservoir unit (Devonian of NRW). Zentralblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (J. Appl. Reg. Geol.) 172(3), 339-364. DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2021/0281.
Schurr, S.L., Strauss, H., MUELLER, M. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Assessing the robustness of carbonate-associated sulfate during hydrothermal dolomitization of the Latemar platform, Italy. Terra Nova, 33, 621-629. DOI: 10.1111/ter.12554
RIECHELMANN, S., Spötl, C., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Time series of δ26Mg variability in precipitation of north-west Germany. The Depositional Record; DOI:
Morón-Alfonso, D.A., HOFFMANN, R., and Cichowolski, M. (2021). Geometric morphometrics in ammonoids based on virtual modelling. Palaeontologia Electronica, DOI: GM in ammonoids virtual models (
Klug, C., Pohle, A., Roth, R., HOFFMANN, R., Wani, R., and Tajika, A. (2021). Preservation of nautilid soft parts inside and outside the conch interpreted as central nervous system, eyes, and renal concrements from the Lebanese Cenomanian. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, DOI:
Weinkauf, M.F.G., HOFFMANN, R., and Wiedenroth, K. (2021). Evolutionary-phylogenetic pathway of the Cretaceous ammonite genus Aegocrioceras and its relationship to Juddiceras spp. and Crioceratites spp. Papers in Palaeontology, DOI:
HOFFMANN, R., Morón-Alfonso, D.A., Klug, C., and Tanabe, K. (2021). Ammonoid soft tissue remains revealed by computed tomography. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, DOI:
HOFFMANN, R., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Fuchs, D., and Lukeneder, A. (2021). Is there more than one species in the genus Spirula (Cephalopoda: Decabrachia): evidence for an Atlantic-Pacific divide. Jounal of Molluscan Studies 87, DOI:
Knaust, D., and HOFFMANN, R. (2021). Discussion – Response to comment on: the ichnogenus Lumbricaria Münster from the Upper Jurassic of Germany interpreted as faecal strings of ammonites. Papers in Palaeontology, 7, DOI:
FALKENBERG, J., MUTTERLOSE, J., Kaplan, U., 2021. Calcareous nannofossils in medieval mortar and mortar-based materials: a powerful tool for provenance analysis. Archaeometry 63(1), 19-39.
WANG, H., Shi, K., Ma, Y., Liu, B., Song, X., GE, Y., Liu, H., HOFFMANN, R., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Control on depositional and diagenetic processes on the reservoir properties of the Mishrif Formation in the AD oilfield, Central Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq. Marine and Petroleum Geology 132, 105202.
HUETER, A., Huck, S., Heimhofer, U., Bodin, S., Weyer, S., Jochum, K.P., Roebbert, Y., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Evaluating the role of coastal hypoxia on the transient expansion of microencruster intervals during the early Aptian. Lethaia 54, 399-418.
GE, Y., Della Porta, G., PEDERSON, C.L., Lokier, S.W., Hoffmann, R., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Botryoidal and Spherulitic Aragonite in Carbonates Associated with Microbial Mats: Precipitation or Diagenetic Replacement Product? Frontiers in Earth Science 9:698952; DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.698952
Thies, D., STEVENS, K., Stumpf, S., 2021. Stomach contents of the Early Jurassic fish † Lepidotes Agassiz, 1832 (Actinopterygii, Lepisosteiformes) and their palaeoecological implications. Historical Biology 33, 868-879.
HOFFMANN, R., RIECHELMANN, S., Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Calcium isotope values of modern and fossil cephalopod shells - Trophic level or proxy for seawater geochemistry? Chemical Geology, 583.
MUELLER, M., Jacquemyn, C., PEDERSON, C.L., Schurr, S., IGBOKWE, O.A., Walter, B.F., Jöns, N., RIECHELMANN, S., HOFFMANN, R., Dieztel, M., Strauss, H. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Petrography and geochemistry of a marine limestone-to-marble transect: Preservation of proxy data and lessons for palaeoenvironmental research. Sedimentology,
PEDERSON, C.L., GE, Y., Lockier, S., Swart, P.K., Vonhof, H., Strauss, H., Schurr, S., Fiorini, F., RIECHELMANN, S., Licha, T. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2021). Seawater chemistry of a modern subtropical `epeiric sea´: Spatial variability and effects of organic decomposition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 314, 159-177.
Wang, W-Q., Katchinoff, J.A.R., Garbelli, C., IMMENHAUSER, A., Zheng, Q-f., Zhang, Y-c., Yuan, D-X., Wang, J., Planavsky, N., Shen, S-Z. (2021) Revisiting the Permian seawater 87Sr/86Sr record: New perspectives from brachiopod proxy data and stochastic oceanic box models. Earth-Science Reviews 218; DOI:
Zhodi, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., Rabbani, J. (2021). Middle Jurassic evolution of a northern Tethyan carbonate ramp (Alborz Mountains, Iran). Sedimentary Geology; DOI:
Coimbra, R., Rocha, F., IMMENHAUSER, A., Oloriz, F., Terroso, D., Horikx, M. (2021). Carbonate-hosted clay minerals: A critical re-evaluation of extraction methods and their possible bias on palaeonvironmental information. Earth-Science Reviews 214; DOI:
Klug, C., Schweigert, G., HOFFMANN, R., Weis, R., De Baets, K. 2021. Fossilized leftover falls as sources of palaeoecological data: a "pabulite" comprising a crustacean, a belemnite and a vertebrate from the Early Jurassic Posidonia Shale. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 140:10; DOI:
Klug, C. Silvestro, G., HOFFMANN, R., Schweigert, G., Fuchs, D., Clements, T., Gueriau, P. 2021. Taphonomic patterns mimic biologic structures: diagenetic Liesegang rings in Mesozoic coleoids and coprolites. PeerJ 9:e10703 DOI:
HOFFMANN, R., Slattery, J.S., Kruta, I., Linzmeier, B.J., Lemanis, R.E., Mironenko, A., Goolaerts, S., De Baets, K., Peterman, D.J., Klug, C. 2021. Recent advances in heteromorph ammonoid palaeobiology. Biological Reviews, DOI:
STEVENS, K., HOFFMANN, R., Picollier, M.-C., Mutterlose, J., 2020. Pearl formation in an Early Cretaceous belemnite. PalZ 94, 481–486.
RICHTER, D.K., NEUSER, R.D., BREITENBACH, F.M.: Spiegelt die Lamination der Höhlenperlen der Kleinen Teufelshöhle bei Pottenstein (Fränkische Schweiz) saisonales Wachstum wider? 2020. Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 66, 110-118.
RICHTER, D.K., Dorsten, I., NEUSER, R.D., Scholz, D.: Kryogene Calcitperlen der Weichselkaltzeit im Wappensaal des Herbstlabyrinth-Adventhöhle-Systems bei Breitscheid, NW-Hessen 2020. Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 66, 102-109.
RICHTER, D.K., Schudelski, A., NEUSER, R.D., Scholz, D.: Weichselzeitliche Umbrellacalcite aus der Höhle Malachitdom (NE-Sauerland) - vom Kaltwasser- zum Ausfrierstadium in Pools auf Eis 2020. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 94, 1-15.
Morón-Alfonso, D.A., Peterman, D.J., Cichowolski, M., HOFFMANN, R., Lemanis, R.E. (2020): Virtual 3D modeling of the ammonoid conch to study its hydrostatic properties. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65, DOI:
Klug, C., Etter, W., HOFFMANN, R., Fuchs, D., De Baets, K. 2020. Jaws of a large belemnite and an ammonite from the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) of Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 139(4), DOI:
Riechelmann, D.F.C., RIECHELMANN, S., Wassenburg, J.A., Fohlmeister, J., Schöne, B.R., Jochum, K.P., RICHTER, D.K. and Scholz, D. 2020. High-Resolution Proxy Records From Two Simultaneously Grown Stalagmites From Zoolithencave (Southeastern Germany) and their Potential for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21: e2019GC008755.
Keupp, H., HOFFMANN, R., Fuchs, D. 2020. Part M, Chapter 20: Pathology of Fossil and Extant Coleoid Shells. Treatise Online 135: 1-16.
RICHTER, D.K., NEUSER, R.D., Kluge, T., Frank, N., Conrad, M. (2020). Mittelpleistozäne aragonitische Bodensinter in der Eingangshalle der Zoolithenhöhle (Fränkische Schweiz/ Oberfranken). Natur und Mensch, 2020, 37-52.
Chang, B., Li, C., Liu, D., Foster, I., Tripati, A., Lloyd, M.K., Maradiaga, I., Luo, G., An, Z., She, Z., Zhenbing, X., Shucheng, T., Jinnan, H., Algeo, T.J., Lyons, T.W. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Massive formation of early diagenetic dolomite in the Ediacaran ocean: Constraints on the "dolomite problem". Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 117, 14005-14014.
RIECHELMANN, S., Mavromatis, V., BUHL, D., Dietzel, M., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Controls on formation and alteration of early diagenetic dolomite: A multi-proxy δ44/40Ca, δ26Mg, δ18O and δ13C approach. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 283, 167-183.
PEDERSON, C., Mavromatis, V., Dietzel, M., Rollion-Bard, C., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Yu, D., Nehrke, G. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020) Variation in the diagenetic response of aragonite archives to hydrothermal alteration. Sedimentary Geology, 406. DOI:
NAVA-FERNANDEZ, C., Hartland, A., Gazquez, F., Kwiecien, O., Marwan, N., Fox, B., Hellstrom, J., Pearson, A., Ward, B., French, A., Hodell, D. A., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Breitenbach, S.F.M. (2020). Pacific climate reflected in Waipuna Cave drip water hydrochemistry. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 3361-3380, DOI:
IGBOKWE, O.A., MUELLER, M., Bertotti, G., Timothy, J.J., Abah, O., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Morphology and topology of dolostone lithons in the regional Carboneras Fault Zone, Southern Spain. Journal of Structural Geology 137. DOI:
Kolchugin, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., Morozov, V., Walter, B., Eskin, A., Korolev, E., and NEUSER, R. (2020). A comparative study of two Mississippian dolostone reservoirs in the Volga-Ural Basin, Russia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 199. DOI:
GE, Y., Lokier, S.W., HOFFMANN, R., PEDERSON, C.L., NEUSER, R.D., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Composite micrite envelopes in the lagoon of Abu Dhabi and their application for the recognition of ancient firm- to hardgrounds. Marine Geology 423. DOI:
GE, Y., PEDERSON, C.L., Lokier, S.W., Traas, J.P., Nehrke, G., NEUSER, R.D., Goetschl, K.E., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Late Holocene to Recent aragonite-cemented transgressive lag deposits in the Abu Dhabi lagoon and intertidal sabkha. Sedimentology, DOI:
MUELLER, M., Walter, B., RIECHELMANN, S., RICHTER, D.K., Albert, R., Gerdes, A., BUHL, D., NEUSER, R.D., Bertotti, G. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Testing the preservation potential of early diagenetic dolomites as geochemical archives. Sedimentology, 67, 849-881.
HU, Y., Cai, C., Liu, D., PEDERSON, C.L., Liu, D., Jiang, L., Shen, He, X., Shi, S., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020). Dolomitization history and porosity evolution of a giant, deeply buried Ediacaran gas field (Sichuan Basin, China). Precambrian Research, 338. DOI:
HU, Y., Cai, C., Liu, D., PEDERSON, C.L., Jiang, L., Shen, A., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2020) Formation, diagenesis and palaeoenvironmental significance of upper Ediacaran fibrous dolomite cements (2020). Sedimentology, 67, 1161-1187.
Potrafke, A., Breiter, K., Ludwig, T., NEUSER, R.D., Stalder, R. 2020. Variations of OH defects and chemical impurities in natural quartz within igneous bodies. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47:24. doi:
Oudot, M., Neige, P., Shir, I.B., Schmidt, A., Strugnell, J.M., Plasseraud, L., Broussard, C., HOFFMANN, R., Lukeneder, A., Marin, F. 2020. The shell matrix and microstructure of the Ram's Horn squid: Molecular and structural characterization. Journal of Structural Biology. doi:
Knaust, D., HOFFMANN, R., 2020. The ichnogenus Lumbricaria Münster fromn the Upper Jurassic of Germany interpreted as faecal strings of ammonites. Papers in Palaeontology. doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Bitner, M.A., Pisera, A., Jäger, M., Auer, G., Giraldo-Gómez, V., Koci, T., Buckeridge, J., Mueller, M., STEVENS, K., Schneider, S. 2020. Late Miocene biota from the Abad Member oft he Carboneras-Nijar Basin (Spain, Andalusia): A bathyal fossil assemblage pre-dating the Messinian salinity crisis. Geobios. doi:
HOFFMANN, R., STEVENS, K., Picollier, M.-C., MUTTERLOSE, J., Klug, C. 2020. Non-destructive analysis of pathological belemnite rostra by micro-CT techniques. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 65: 1-17. doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Bestwick, J., Berndt, G., Berndt, R., Fuchs, D., Klug, C. 2020. Pterosaurs ate soft-bodied cephalopods (Coleoidea). Scientific Reports 10:1230. doi:
Wassenburg, J.A., RIECHELMANN, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Riechelmann, D.F.C., RICHTER, D.K., IMMENHAUSER, A., Terente, M., Constantin, S., Hachenberg, A., Hanen, M., Scholz, D. (2020) Calcite Mg and Sr partition coefficients in cave environments: Implications for interpreting prior calcite precipitation in speleothems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 269, 581-596. doi:
Hättig, K., STEVENS, K., Thies, D., Schweigert, G., Mutterlose, J., 2019. Evaluation of shark tooth diagenesis-screening methods and the application of their stable oxygen isotope data for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Journal of the Geological Society 176, 482–491.
HOFFMANN, R., STEVENS, K., Keupp, H., Simonsen, S., Schweigert, G. (2019) Regurgitalites - a window into the trophic ecology of fossil cephalopods. Journal of the Geological Society (London), doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Mironenko, A., Keupp, H. (2019) Conellae, enigmatic structures on cephalopod shells - shapes, distribution, and formation. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, doi:
HOFFMANN, R., STEVENS, K. (2019) The palaeobiology of belemnites - foundation for the interpretation of rostrum geochemistry. Biological Reviews, doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Wiedenroth, K., Goeddertz, P., De Baets, K. (2019) Morphological disparity and ontogeny of the endemic heteromorph ammonite genus Aegocrioceras (Early Cretaceous, Hauterivian, NW-Germany). Palaeogeogrpahy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 520, 1-17.
Vaks, A., Mason, A., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Kononov, A.M., Osintcev, A.V., Rosensaft, M., Gutareva, O.S., Henderson, G.M. (in press) Increased vulnerability of Siberian permafrost with an ice-free Arctic Ocean. Nature, doi:
Lechleitner, F.A., Mason, A., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Vaks, A., Haghipour, N., Henderson, G.M. (accepted) Permafrost-related hiatuses in stalagmites: Evaluating the potential for reconstruction of carbon cycle dynamics. Quaternary Geochronology, doi:
Nutz, A., KWIECIEN, O., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Cai, Y., Della Porta, G., Danisch, J., Kabiri, L., Bodin, S. (2019) Fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation in the Agadir-Tissint Feija (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): a promising paleoclimate archive for the last glacial cycle in Northwest Africa. The Depositional Record 5, 362-387, doi:
Ronay, E., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Oster J. (2019) Seasonal bias in speleothem proxy records: the importance of dry season infiltration and implications for paleo-monsoon reconstructions. Scientific Reports 9:5091, doi:
BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Plessen, B., Waltgenbach, S., Tjallingii, R., Leonhardt, J., Jochum, K.P., Meyer, H., Goswami, B., Marwan, N., Scholz, D. (2019) Holocene interaction of maritime and continental climate in Central Europe. Global Planetary Change 176, 146-161, doi:
Petersen, S.V., Defliese, W.F., Saenger, C., Daëron, M., John, C.M., Bernasconi, S.M., Colman, A.S., Huntington, K.W., Kelson, J.R., Kluge, T., Olack, G.A., Schauer, A.J., Bajnai, D., Bonifacie, M., Fiebig, J., Fernandez, A.B., Garcia de Real, P., Henkes, G.A., Katz, A., Kele, S., Lohmann, K.C., Passey, B.H., Petrizzo, D.A., Rosenheim, B.E., Tang, J., Tripati, A.E., Venturelli, R., Young, E.D., Wacker, U., Loeffler, N., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Hodell, D., Winkelstern, I.Z. (2019) Effects of Improved 17O Correction on Inter-Laboratory Agreement in Clumped Isotope Calibrations, Estimates of Mineral-Specific Offsets, and Temperature Dependence of Acid Digestion Fractionation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, doi:
Tan, L., Shen, C.-C., Löwemark, L., Edwards, R.L., Chawchai, S., Cai, Y., Wang, X., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Cheng, H., Chou, Y.-C., An, Z., Duerrast, H., Partin, J.W., Cai, W., Chabangborn, A., Gao, Y., KWIECIEN, O., Wu, C.-C., Shi, Z., Hsu, H.-H., Wohlfarth, B. (2019) Rainfall variations in central Indo-Pacific over the past 2700 years. PNAS 116, 17201-17206, doi:
Comas-Bru, L., Harrison, S.P., Werner, M., Rehfeld, K., Scroxton, N., Veiga-Pires, C., SISAL working group members (2019) Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial. Climate of the Past 15, 1557-1579, doi:
MAGIERA, M., Lechleitner, F.A., Erhardt, A.M., Hartland, A., KWIECIEN, O., Cheng, H., Bradbury, H., Turchyn, A., RIECHELMANN, S., Edwards, L., BREITENBACH, S.F.M. (in press) Local and regional Indian Summer Monsoon precipitation dynamics during Termination II and the Last Interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters 46, doi:
MUELLER, M., IGBOKWE, O.A., Walter, B., PEDERSON, C.L., RIECHELMANN, S., RICHTER, D.K., Albert, R., Gerdes, A., BUHL, D., NEUSER, R.D., Bertotti,. G., & IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019) Testing the preservation potential of early diagenetic dolomites as geochemical archives. Sedimentology 2019:X, 1-33. DOI:
PEDERSON, C.L., Weiss, L., Mavromatis, V., Rollion-Bard, C. Dietzel, M., NEUSER, R., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019) Significance of fluid chemistry throughout diagenesis of aragonitic Porites corals – An experimental approach. The Depositional Record 2019:00, 1-20. DOI:
Klug, C., Landman, N.H., Fuchs, D., Mapes, R.H., Pohle, A., Guériau, P., Reguer, S., HOFFMANN, R. (2019) Anatomy and evolution of the first Coleoidea in the Carboniferous. Nature Communications Biology. DOI:
HUETER, A., Huck, S., Bodin, S., Heimhofer, U., Weyer, S., Jochum, K.P., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019) Central Tethyan platform-top hypoxia during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. Climate of the Past 15, 1327-1344, doi:
PEDERSON, C., Mavromatis, V., Dietzel, M., Rollion-Bard, C., Nehrke, G., NEUSER, R., JÖNS, N., Jochum, K.P., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019) Diagenesis of mollusc aragonite and the role of fluid reservoirs. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 514 130-142, doi:, Corrigendum: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 516, p.212, , doi:
RIECHELMANN, S., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Mangini, A., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019) Ventilation and cave air pCO2; in the Bunker-Emst Cave System (NW Germany): Implications for speleothem proxy data. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 81 (2), 98-112, doi:
McCORMACK, J., Viehberg, F., Akdemir, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., and KWIECIEN, O. (2019). Ostracods as ecological and isotopic indicators of lake water salinity changes: The Lake Van example, Biogeosciences, 16, 2095–2114, doi:
PEDERSON, C., Mavromatis, V., Dietzel, M., Rollion-Bard, C., Nehrke, G., JÖNS, N., Jochum, K.P., NEUSER, R., IMMENHAUSER A. (2019). Diagenesis of mollusc aragonite and the role of fluid reservoirs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 514, 130-142, doi:
McCORMACK, J., Nehrke, G., JÖNS, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., KWIECIEN, O. (2019). Refining the interpretation of lacustrine carbonate isotope records: Implications of a mineralogy-specific Lake Van case study. Chemical Geology, 513, 167-183, doi:
Garbelli C., Shen, S.Z., IMMENHAUSER, A., Brand, U., BUHL, D., Wang, W.Q., Zhang, H., Shi, G.R. (2019). Timing of Early and Middle Permian deglaciation of the southern hemisphere: Brachiopod-based 87Sr/86Sr calibration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516, 122-135.
HOFFMANN, R., RIECHELMANN, S., Ritterbush, K.A., KOELEN, J., LÜBKE, N., Joachimski, M.M., Lehmann, J., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2019). A novel multiproxy approach to reconstruct the paleoecology of extinct cephalopods. Gondwana Research 67: 64-81.
HOFFMANN, R., Lemanis, R.E., Wulff, L., Zachow, s., Lukeneder, A., Klug, C., Keupp, H. (2018) Traumatic events in the life of the deep-sea cephalopod mollusc, the coleoid Spirula spirula. Deep-Sea Research Part I 142: 127-144.
Denniston R.F., Houts A.N., Asmerom Y., Wanamaker Jr., A.D., Haws J.A., Polyak V.J., Thatcher D.L., Altan-Ochir S., Borowske A.C., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Ummenhofer C.C., Regala F.T., Benedetti M.M., Bicho N. (2018) A stalagmite Test of North Atlantic SST and Iberian hydroclimate Linkages over the last two glacial cycles. Climate of the Past 14, 1893-1913, doi:
RICHTER, D.K., JÖNS, N., NEUSER, R. (2018) Kryogener Opal in Karbonathöhlen - Erstnachweis in der Zoolithenhöhle (Fränkische Schweiz, NE- Bayern). Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforscher, 64, PDF: Mitteilungen-2018-4.pdf
Kaushal N., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Lechleitner F.A., Sinha A., Tewari V.C., Ahmad S.M., Berkelhammer M., Band S., Yadava M., Ramesh R., Henderson G.M. (2018) The Indian Summer Monsoon from a Speleothem d18O Perspective – A Review. Quaternary 1, 29, doi:
Ozken I., Eroglu D., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Marwan N., Tan L., Tirnakli U., Kurths J. (2018) Recurrence plot analysis of irregularly sampled data. Phys. Rev. E 98, 052215
Klug, C., HOFFMANN, R. 2018. Early Devonian actinarian trace fossils (Conichnus conicus) from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 290: 65-74.
Casella, L., Griesshaber, E., Roda, S., Ziegler, A., Mavromatis, V., Henkel, D., Laudien, J., Häusermann, V., NEUSER, R.D., Agnioli, L., Dietzel, M., Eisenhauer, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., Brand, U., Schmahl, W.W. (2018). Micro- and nanostructures reflect the degree of diagenetic alteration in modern and fossil brachiopod shell calcite: A multi-analytical screening approach (CL, FE-SEM, AFM, EBSD). Palaeoceanography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 502, 13-30, doi:
Fichtner, V., Strauss, H., Mavromatis, V., Dietzel, M., Hutwelker, T., Borca, C.N., Guagliardo, P., Kilburn, M.R., Göttlicher, J., PEDERSON, C.L., Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2018). Incorporation and subsequent diagenetic alteration of sulfur in Arctica islandica. Chemical Geology, 482, 72-90, doi:
Lange, S.M., Krause, S., RITTER, A.-C., Fichtner, V., IMMENHAUSER, A., Strauss, H., Treude, T. (2018) Anaerobic microbial activity affects earliest diagenetic pathways of bivalve shells. Sedimentology, 65, 1390-1411, doi:
Consorti, L., NAVARRO-RAMIREZ, J.P., BODIN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2018) The architecture and associated fauna of Perouvianella poeruviana, an endemic larger benthic formanifera from the Cenomanian-Turonian transition interval of central Peru. Facies 64, doi:
Bernasconi S.F., Müller I., Bergmann K.D., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Fernandez A., Hodell D.A., Meckler A.-N., Millan I., Ziegler M. (2018) Reducing uncertainties in carbonate clumped isotope analysis through consistent carbonate-based standardization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19, doi:
RICHTER, D.K., Scholz, D., JÖNS, N., NEUSER, R.D., BREITENBACH, S.F.M. (2018) Coarse-grained cryogenic aragonite as end-member of mineral formation in dolomite caves. Sedimentary Geology 376: 136-146, doi:
RICHTER, D.K., Gillhaus, A., NEUSER, R.D. (2018) The alteration and disintegration of dolostones with stoichiometric dolomite crystals to dolomite sand: new insights from the Franconian Alb (Upper Jurassic, SE Germany). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 169: 27-46, doi:
RIECHELMANN, S., Mavromatis, V., BUHL, D., Dietzel, M., HOFFMANN, R., JÖNS, N., Kell-Duivestein, I., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2018) Echinoid skeletal carbonate as archive of past seawater magnesium isotope signatures - Potential and limitations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235: 333-359, doi:
Gázquez, F., Columbu, A., De Waele, J., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Huang, C.-R., Shen, C.-C., Lu, Y., Calaforra, J.-M., Vautravers, M., Hodell, D.A. (2018) Quantification of paleo-aquifer changes using clumped isotopes in subaqueous carbonate speleothems. Chemical Geology 493, 246-257, doi:
Schertl, H.-P., Polednia, J., NEUSER, R. D. (2018) Natural End Member Samples of Pyrope and Grossular: A Cathodoluminescence- Microscopy and -Spectra Case Study. Journal of Earth Science, doi:
RICHTER D.K., NEUSER R.D., Harder M., Schabdach H. and Scholz D. (2018) Unusual internal structure of cm-sized coldwater calcite: Weichselian spars in former pools of the Zinnbergschacht Cave (Franconian Alb/SE Germany). International Journal of Speleology, 47 (2), 145-154, doi:
BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Mleneck-Vautravers, M.J., Grauel, A.-L., Lo, L., Bernasconi, S.M., Müller, I.A., Rolfe, J., Gázquez, F., Greaves, M., Elderfield, H., Hodell, D.A. (2018) Combining Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes in foraminifera for redundant estimation of temperature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 236, 283-296, doi:
Nehme, C., Verheyden, S., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Gillikin, D., Verheyden, A., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Hellstrom, J., Noble, S., Farrant, A., Sahy, D., Goovaerts, T., Salem, G., Claeys, Ph. (2018) Climate dynamics during the penultimate glacial recorded in a speleothem from Kanaan cave, Lebanon (Central Levant). Quaternary Research 90, 10-25, doi:
McCORMACK, J., Bontognali, T. R. R., IMMENHAUSER, A., & KWIECIEN O. (2018). Controls on cyclic formation of Quaternary early diagenetic dolomite. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Maisch, M.W. (2018) Systematics and phylogenetic position of the lytoceratid ammonite genus Holcolytoceras Spath, 1924 (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from the Lower Pliensbachian of Europe. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlungen 288: 173-182.
HOFFMANN, R., Ansorge, J., Wesendonk, H., STEVENS, K. (2018) A Late Cretaceous pathological belemnite rostrum with evidence of infection by an endoparasite. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 287: 335-349.
Goswami, B., Boers, N., Rheinwalt, A., Marwan, N., Heitzig, J., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Kurths, J. (2018) Abrupt transitions in time series with uncertainties. Nature Communications 9:48, doi:
RICHTER, D.K., Gebelein, D., Harder, M., Huber, S., Kluge, T., NEUSER, R.D. (2017) 230Th/U-datierte Kryocalcitpartikel aus Höhlen der südlichen Frankenalb. Laichinger Höhlenfreund 52, 3-12.
HOFFMANN, R., Lemanis, R.E., Falkenberg, J., Schneider, S., Wesendonk, H., Zachow, S. 2017. Integrating 2D and 3D shell morphology to disentangle the palaeobiology of ammonoids: a virtual approach. Palaeontology 2017: 1-16, DOI:
Malatesta, L.C., Avouac, J.-P., Brown, N., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Pan, J., Chevalier, M.-L., Rhodes, E., Saint-Carlier, D., Zhang, W., Charreau, J., Lavé, J., Blard, P.-H. (2017) Lag and mixing during sediment transfer across the Tian Shan piedmont caused by climate-driven aggradation-incision cycles. Basin Research X, xxx-xxx, doi:
Kennett, D.J., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Aquino, V.V., Lechleitner, F., Ridley, H.E., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., Baldini, J.U.L., Prufer, K.M., Haug, G.H., Smirnov, D.A., Marwan, N. (2017) Yok Balum Cave, Belize 2000 Year Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data. V. 2. GFZ Data Services., doi:
Smirnov, D.A., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Feulner, G., Lechleitner, F., Baldini, J.U.L., Marwan, N., Kurths, J. (2017) A regime shift in the Sun-Climate connection with the end of the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Scientific Reports 7:11131, doi:
Weber, M., Wassenburg, J.A., Jochum, K.P., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Oster, J., Scholz, D. (2017) Sr-isotope analysis of speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS: high temporal resolution and fast data acquisition. Chemical Geology 468C, 63-74, doi:
Lechleitner, F.A., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Cheng, H., Plessen, B., Rehfeld, K., Goswami, B., Marwan N., Eroglu, D., Adkins, J.F., Haug, G.H. (2017) Climatic and in-cave influences on d18O and d13C in a stalagmite from northeastern India through the last deglaciation. Quaternary Research, doi:
Welte C., Wacker L., Hattendorf B., Christl M., Koch J., Yeman C. BREITENBACH S.F.M., Synal H.-A., Günther D. (2017) Optimizing the analyte introduction for 14C laser ablation-AMS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32, 1813-1819, doi:
Sobolev, N.V., Schertl, H.-P., NEUSER, R.D., Tomilenko, A.A., Kuzmin, D.V., Logvinova, A.M., Tolstov, A.V., Kostrovitsky, S.I., Yakovlev, D.A., Oleinikov, O.B. (2017) Formation and evolution of hypabyssal kimberlites from the Siberian craton: Part I - New insights from cathodoluminescence of carbonates. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi:
Mavromatis V., IMMENHAUSER A., BUHL D., Kaufhold S., Purgstaller B., Baldermann A. and Dietzel M. (2017) Effect of organic ligands on Mg partitioning and 6delta;26Mg isotope fractionation during low-temperature precipitation of calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 207, 139-153.
Tomonaga, Y., Brennwald, M., Livingstone, D.M., KWIECIEN, O., Randlett, M.-E., Stockhecke, M., Unwin, K., Anselmetti, F., Beer, J., Haug, G., Schubert, C. J., Sturm, M., Kipfer, R. (2017) Porewater salinity reveals past lake-level changes in Lake Van, the Earth's largest soda lake. Scientific Reports, doi:
Randlett, M.-E., Bechtel, A., van der Meer, M.T.J., Peterse, F., Litt, T., Pickarski, N., KWIECIEN, O., Stockhecke, M., Wehrli, B., Schubert, C.J. 2017. Extremely dry conditions in Eastern Anatolia during 110.000-10.000 years B.P. revealed by biomarkers in Lake Van sediments. 2017. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:
Lechleitner F., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Ridley H.E., Asmerom Y., Rehfeld K., Prufer K.M., Kennett D.J., Aquino V.V., Polyak V., Marwan N., Haug G.H., Eglinton T.I., Baldini J.U.L. (2017) A persistent low- to mid-latitude hydrologic seesaw over the past millennium. Scientific Reports 7:45809, doi:
Mavromatis, V., Purgstaller, B., Dietzel, M., BUHL, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., Schott, J. (2017) Impact of amorphous precursor phases on magnesium isotope signatures of Mg-calcite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 464, 227-236
Jonas, L., Müller, T., Dohmen, R., IMMENHAUSER, A. Pulitz, B. (2017). Hydrothermal replacement of biogenic and abiogenic aragonite by Mg-carbonates - Relation between textural control on effective element fluxes and resulting carbonate phase. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 196, 289-306
Purgstaller, B., Konrad, F., Dietzel, M., IMMENHAUSER, A., Mavromatis, V. (2017) Control on Mg2+/Ca2+ activity ratio on the formation of crystalline carbonate minerals via an amorphous precursor. Crystal Growth & Design, doi:
Maisch, M.W., HOFFMANN, R. 2017. Lytoceratids (Cephalopoda, ammonoidea) from the Lower Posidonienschiefer Formation (Tenuicostatum Zone, Early Jurassic) of Baden-Württemberg (south-western Germany). Neues Jahrbuch f&uul;r Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 283(3): 275-289
Smirnov D.A., Marwan N., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Lechleitner F., Kurths J. (2017) Coping with Dating Errors in Causality Estimation. European Physics Letters 117, 10004, doi:
HOFFMANN, R., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Fuchs, D. (2017) Grasping the shape of belemnoid arm hooks - a quantitative approach. Paleobiology. doi:
RIECHELMANN, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Spötl, C., Riechelmann, D.F.C., RICHTER, D.K., Mangini, A., Frank, N., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2017) Sensitivity of Bunker Cave to climatic forcings highlighted through multi-annual monitoring of rain-, soil-, and dripwaters. Chemical Geology 449, 194-205, doi:
Cai, Y., Chiang, J.C.H., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Tan, L., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., An, Z. (2017) Holocene moisture changes in western China, Central Asia, inferred from stalagmites. Quaternary Science Reviews 158, 15-28.
RITTER, A.-C., Mavromatis, V., Dietzel, M., KWIECIEN, O., Wiethoff, F., Griesshaber, E., Casella, L.A., Schmahl, W.W. , Koelen, J., NEUSER, R.D., Leis, A., BUHL, D., NIEDERMAYR, A., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Bernasconi, S.M., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2017) Exploring the impact of diagenesis on (isotope) geochemical and microstructural alteration features in biogenic aragonite. Sedimentology 64, 1354-1380, doi:
Wolff C., Plessen B., Dudashvilli A., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Cheng H., Edwards L., Strecker M. (2017) Precipitation evolution of Central Asia during the last 5000 years. The Holocene 27, 142-144, doi:
Baldini L.M., Baldini J.U.L., McElwaine J., Frappier A.B., Asmerom Y., Liu K.B., Prufer K., Ridley H.E., Polyak V., Kennett D., MacPherson C.G., Aquino V.V., Awe J., BREITENBACH S.F.M. (2016) Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries. Scientific Reports 6:37522, doi:10.1038/srep37522
Cheng H., Spötl C., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Wassenburg J.A., Jochum K.P., Scholz D., Peng Y., Li X., Yi L., Lv Y., Sinha A., Ning Y., Edwards R.L. (2016) Climate variability of Central Asia on orbital to millennial timescales. Scientific Reports 6:36975, doi:10.1038/srep36975
Dunlop, J.A., Apanaskevich, D.A., Lehmann, J., HOFFMANN, R., Fusseis, F., Ehlke, M., Zachow, Z., Xiao, X. (2016) Microtomography of the Baltic amber tick Ixodes succineus reveals affinities with the modern Asian desease vector Ixodes ovatus. BMC Evolutionary Biology, Doi:10.1186/s128662-016-0777-y
Wassenburg J.A., Dietrich S., Fietzke J., Fohlmeister J., Jochum K.P., Scholz D., RICHTER D.K., Sabaoui A., Spötl C., Lohmann G., Andreas M.O., IMMENHAUSER A. (2016) Reorganization of the North Atlantic Oscillation during early Holocene deglaciation. Nature Geoscience 9, 602-605, DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2767
Lechleitner F.A., Baldini J.U.L., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Fohlmeister J., McIntyre C., Goswami B., Jamieson R.A., van der Voort T.S., Prufer K., Marwan N., Culleton B.J., Kennett D.J., Asmerom Y., Polyak V., Eglinton T.I. (2016) Hydrological and climatological controls on radiocarbon concentrations in a tropical stalagmite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 194, 233-252, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.08.039
Eroglu D., McRobie F.H., Ozken I., Stemler T., Wyrwoll K.-H., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Marwan N., Kurths J. (2016) The Holocene East Asian -Australian summer monsoon: A see-saw relationship. Nature Communications 7:12929, doi: 10.1038/ncomms12929
Keupp, H., HOFFMANN, R., STEVENS, K., Albersdörfer, R. (2016) Key innovations in Mesozoic ammonoids: the multicuspidate radula and the calcified aptychus. Paleontology, 2016, 1-17
RIECHELMANN, S., Mavromatis, V., BUHL, D., Dietzel, M., Eisenhauer, A., and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2016) Impact of diagenetic alteration on brachiopod shell magnesium isotope (d26Mg) signatures: Experimental versus field data, Chemical Geology, 440, 191-206, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.07.020
Welte C., Wacker L., Hattendorf B., Christl M., Yeman C., Fohlmeister J., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Robinson L., Andrews A.H., Freiwald A., Synal H.-A., Günther D. (2016) Laser Ablation - Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: a novel approach for rapid radiocarbon analyses of carbonate archives at high spatial resolution. Analytical Chemistry, 88, 8570-8576, doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01659
Wassenburg J.A., Scholz D., Jochum K.P., Cheng H., Oster J., IMMENHAUSER A., RICHTER D.K., Häger T., Hoffmann D., Jamieson R.A., Baldini J.U.L., BREITENBACH S.F.M. (2016) Determination of aragonite trace element partition coefficients from speleothem calcite-aragonite transitions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 190, 347-367,
Jamieson R.A., Baldini J.U.L., Brett M.J., Taylor J., Ridley H.E., Ottley C., Prufer K.M., Wassenburg J., Scholz D., BREITENBACH S.F.M. (2016) Intra- and inter-annual uranium concentration variability in a Belizean stalagmite controlled by prior aragonite precipitation: a new tool for reconstructing hydro-climate using aragonitic speleothems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 190, 332-346,
Stolarski, J., Basellini, F.R., Wallace, C.C., Gothmann, A. Mazur, M., NEUSER, R.D., Domart-Coulon, I., Gutner-Hoch, E., Levy, O., Shemesh, A., Meibom, A. (2016) A unique coral biomineralization pattern has resisted 40 million years of major ocean chemistry change, Scientific Reports, 6, 27579,
HOFFMANN, R., RICHTER, D.K., NEUSER, R.D., JÖNS, N., Linzmeier, B.J., Lemanis, R.E., Fusseis F., Xiao, X., IMMENHAUSER, A. (2016) Evidence for a composite organic-inorganic fabric of belemnite rostra: Implications for palaeoceanography and palaeoecology, Sedimentary Geology, 341: 203-215, doi:
Kathayat G., Cheng H., Sinha A., Spötl C., Edwards R.L., Zhang H., Li X., Yi L., Ning Y., Cai Y., Lui W.L., BREITENBACH S.F.M. (2016) Indian monsoon variability on millennial-orbital timescales. Nature Scientific Reports 6:24374, doi:10.1038/srep24374 Download as PDF-file
Hoggarth J.A., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Culleton B.J., Ebert C.E., Masson M.A., Kennett D.J. (2016) The political collapse of Chichen Itza in cultural and climatic context. Global and Planetary Change 138, 25-42 , doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.12.007
Kolchugin, A.N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Walter, B.F. and Morozov, V.P. 2016. Diagenesis of a palaeo-oil-water transition zone in a Lower Pennsylvanian carbonate reservoir: Constraints from cathodoluminescence microscopy, microthermometry, and isotope geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 72, 45-61
COIMBRA, R., Azeredo, A.C., Cabral, M.C. and IMMENHAUSER, A. 2016. Palaeoenvironmental analysis of mid-Cretaceous coastal lagoonal deposits (Lusitanian Basin, W Portugal). Palaeoceanography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446, 308-325
Purgstaller, B., Mavromatis, V., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Dietzel, M. (2016) Transformation of Mg-bearing amorphous calcium carbonate to Mg-calcite - In situ monitoring. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 174, 180-195
Stockhecke, M., Timmermann, A., Kipfer, R., Haug, G. H., KWIECIEN, O., Friedrich, T., Menviel, L., Litt, T., Pickarski, N., Anselmetti, F. S. 2016. Millennial to orbital-scale variations of drought intensity in the Eastern Mediterranean Quaternary Science Reviews, 133, 77-95
LEMANIS, R., Korn, D., Zachow, S., Rybacki, E., HOFFMANN, R. 2016. The evolution and development of cephalopod chambers and their shape. PlosOne 11(3): e0151404. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151404.
Radtke, G., HOFFMANN, R., Keupp, H. (2016): Form and function of parabolae and flares based on new ultrastructural observations. Acta Geologica Polonica,
De Baets, K., HOFFMANN, R., Sessa, J.A., Klug, C. 2016. Fossil Focus: Ammonoids. Palaeontology Online, 6, 1-15 permalink:
IMMENHAUSER, A., Schöne, B., HOFFMANN, R., NIEDERMAYR, A. 2016. Mollusc and brachiopod skeletal hard parts: Intricate archives of their marine environment. Sedimentology, 63, 1-59
HOFFMANN, R., Grimmberger, G., Knaust, D. 2016. Tubichnus angulatus - a Complex Burrow System from Erratic Boulders of Early Cambrian Age, NE Germany and S Sweden. Ichnos, 23, 116-125
BODIN, S., KRENCKER, F.-N., KOTHE, T., HOFFMANN, R., Mattioli, E., Heimhofer, U., Kabiri, L. 2016. Perturbation of the carbon cycle during the late Pliensbachian - early Toarcian: New insight from high-resolution carbon isotope records in Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 116, 89-104
Andersen M.B., Vance D., Morford J.L., Bura-Nakic E., BREITENBACH S.F.M., Och L. (2016) Closing in on the marine 238U/235U budget. Chemical Geology, 420, 11-22
Pickarski, N., KWIECIEN, O., Djamali, M., Litt, T. 2015. Vegetation and environmental changes during the last interglacial in eastern Anatolia (Turkey): a new high-resolution pollen record from Lake Van. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 435, 145-158
Scheffler, F., Oberhänsli, R., Pourtau, A., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Candan, O. (2015) Sedimentologic to metamorphic processes recorded in the high-pressure/low-temperature Mesozoic Rosetta Marble of Anatolia. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundschau), 105, 225-246
NAVARRO-RAMIREZ, J.P., Bodin, S. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2015) Ongoing Cenomanian - Turonian heterozoan carbonate production in the neritic settings of Peru. Sedimentary Geology, 331, 78-93.
Pickarski, N., KWIECIEN, O., Langutt, D., Litt, T. 2015. Abrupt climate variability of eastern Anatolia vegetation during the last glacial. Climate of the Past 11, 1491-1505
Lamas-Rodríguez, J., Ehlke, M., HOFFMANN, R., Zachow, S. 2015. GPU-accelerated denoising of large tomographic data sets with low SNR. ZIP-Report 15-14 (December 2015), 1-65
HOFFMANN, R. 2015. Part L, Revised, Volume 3B - Lytoceratoidea; Part of the Revision of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part L Mollusca 4 Cephalopoda Ammonoidea. Treatise Online, 70, 1-34
HOFFMANN, R., Howarth, M.K. 2015. Takahashiceras - A new generic name proposed for Takahashia Matsumoto, 1984. Paleontological Contributions, 15, 1
HOFFMANN, R., REINHOFF, D., LEMANIS, R. 2015. Non-invasive imaging techniques combined with morphometry: a case study from Spirula. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, DOI: 10.1007/s 13358-015-0083-0, 1-10
LEMANIS, R., Zachow, S., Fusseis, F., HOFFMANN, R. 2015. A new approach using high-resolution computed tomography to test the buoyant properties of chambered cephalopod shells. Paleobiology, 41, 313-329
HOFFMANN, R. 2015. The correct taxon name, authorship, and publication date of extant ten-armed coleoids. Paleontological Contributions, 11, 1-4
HOFFMANN, R., LEMANIS, R., Naglik, C. & Klug, C. 2015. Chapter 16 - Ammonoid buoyancy. - In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology. Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I. & Mapes, R.H. (eds.). Topics in Geobiology 43, 613-648
Klug, C., HOFFMANN, R. 2015. Chapter 3 - Ammonoid Septa and Sutures. - In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology. Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I. & Mapes, R.H. (eds.). Topics in Geobiology 43, 45-90
De Baets, K., Bert, D., HOFFMANN, R., Monnet, C., Yacobucci, M.M., Klug, C. 2015. Chapter 9 - Ammonoid intraspecific variability. - In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology. Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I. & Mapes, R.H. (eds.). Topics in Geobiology 43, 359-426
HOFFMANN, R., Keupp, H. 2015. Chapter 21 - Ammonoid Paleopathology. - In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology. Klug, C., Korn, D., De Baets, K., Kruta, I. & Mapes, R.H. (eds.). Topics in Geobiology 43, 877-926
CHRIST, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Wood, R.A., Darwich, K., NIEDERMAYR, A. (2015) Petrography and environmental controls on the formation of Phanerozoic marine hardgrounds. Earth-Science Reviews, 151, 176-226
RITTER, A.-C., Kluge, T., Berndt, J., RICHTER, D.K., John, C.M., BODIN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A. 2015. Application of redox sensitive proxies and carbonate clumped isotopes to Mesozoic and Palaeozoic radiaxial fibrous cements. Chemical Geology, 417, 306-321
KRENCKER, F.N., BODIN, S., Suan, G., HEIMHOFER, U., Kabiri, L., IMMENHAUSER, A. 2015. Toarcian extreme warmth led to tropical cyclone intensification. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 425, 120-130
Tan, L., Cai, Y., An, Z., Cheng, H., Shen, C.-C., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Gao, Y., Edwards, R., Zhang, H., Du, Y. (2015) A Chinese cave links climate change, social impacts, and human adaptation over the last 500 years. Scientific Reports 5:12284, doi:10.1038/srep12284
Kele, S., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Capezzuoli, E., Meckler, A.N., Ziegler, M., Millan, I.M., Kluge, T., Deak, J., Hanselmann, K., John, C.M., Yan, H., Liu, Z., Bernasconi, S.M. 2015. Temperature dependence of oxygen- and clumped isotope fractionation in carbonates: a study of travertines and tufas in the 6-95°C temperature range. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.06.032
Winter, A., Zanchettin, D., Miller, T., Kushnir, Y., Black, D., Lohmann, G., Burnett, A., Haug, G., Estrella-Martinez, J., BREITENBACH, S.F.M., Beaufort, L., Rubino, A., Cheng, H., 2015, Persistent drying in the tropics linked to natural forcing. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8627
McCORMACK, J. M., Bahr, A., Gerdes, A., Tütken, T., & Prinz-Grimm, P. (2015). Preservation of successive diagenetic stages in Middle Triassic bonebeds: evidence from in situ trace element and strontium isotope analysis of vertebrate fossils. Chemical Geology, 410, 108-123
GESKE, A., Goldstein, R.H., RICHTER, D.K., BUHL, D., Kluge, T., John, C., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2015. The magnesium isotope (δ26Mg) signature of dolomites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 149, 131-151
Coimbra, R., IMMENHAUSER, A., Oloriz, F., Rodriguez-Galian, V., Chica-Olmo, M. 2015. New insights into geochemical behaviour in ancient marine carbonates (Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso): Novel proxies for interpreting sea-level dynamics and palaeoceanography. Sedimentology, 62, 266-302
GESKE, A., Lockier, S., Dietzel, M., RICHTER, D.K., BUHL, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2015. Magnesium isotope composition of sabkha pore fluids and related (Sub-) Recent stoichiometric dolomites, Abu Dhabi (UAE). Chemical Geology, 393-394, 112-124
Walter, B.F., IMMENHAUSER, A., GESKE, A. and Markl, G. 2015. Exploration of hydrothermal carbonate magnesium isotope signatures as tracers for continental fluid aquifers, Schwarzwald mining district, SW Germany. Chemical Geology, 400, 87-105
NAVARRO-RAMIREZ, J.P., BODIN, S., Heimhofer, U. and IMMENHAUSER, A. 2015. Record of Albian to early Cenomanian environmental perturbation in the eastern sub-equatorial Pacific. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 423, 122-137
Gehring, T., Klang, J., NIEDERMAYR, A., Berzio, S., IMMENHAUSER, A., Klocke, M., Wichern, M. and Lubken, M. 2015. Determination of Methanogenic Pathways through Carbon Isotope (δ(13)C) Analysis for the Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion of High-Solids Substrates. Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 4705-14
Baker A, Sodemann H, Baldini JUL, BREITENBACH SFM, Johnson K, van Hunen J, Zhang P (2015) Seasonality of westerly moisture transport in the East Asian Summer Monsoon and its implications for interpreting precipitation δ18O. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, doi:10.1002/2014JD022919
Donges JF, Donner RV, Marwan N, BREITENBACH SFM, Rehfeld K, Kurths J, (2015) Nonlinear regime shifts in Holocene Asian monsoon dynamics inferred from speleothems: Potential impacts on cultural change and migratory patterns. Clim. Past 11, 709-741, doi: 10.5194/cp-11-709-895-2015
Myers CG, Oster JL, Sharp WD, Bennartz R, Kelley NP, Covey AK, BREITENBACH SFM (2015) Northeast Indian stalagmite records Pacific decadal climate change: implications for moisture transport and drought in India. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2015GL063826
BREITENBACH SFM, Lechleitner FA, Meyer H, Diengdoh G, Mattey D, Marwan N, 2015, Cave ventilation and rainfall signals in dripwater in a monsoonal setting - a monitoring study from NE India, Chemical Geology 402, 111-124,
Sinha A., Kathayat G., Cheng H., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Mudelsee M., Berkelhammer M., Du Y., Biswas J., Edwards L. R., 2015. Trends, Oscillations and Anomalies in the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall over the Last Two Millennia. Nature Communications 6:6309, doi:10.1038/ncomms7309
Ridley H., Asmerom Y., Baldini J. U. L., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Aquino V. V., Prufer K. M., Culleton B. J., Polyak V. J., Lechleitner F. A., Kennett D. J., Zhang M., Marwan N., Macpherson C.G., Baldini L. M., Xiao T., Awe J., Haug G. H., 2015. Aerosol forcing of intertropical convergence zone position. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO2353
Ridley H., Baldini J. U. L., Prufer K. M., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Walczak I. W.(2015) High-resolution monitoring of Yok Balum Cave, Belize: an investigation of seasonal ventilation regimes and the atmospheric and drip flow response to a local earthquake. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 77, 183-199
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Kitahara, M.V., NEUSER, R.D., Mazur, M., 2015. Microstructural disparity between basal micrabaciids and other Scleractinia: new evidence from Neogene Stephanophyllia, Lethaia, doi:10.1111/let.12119. Download as PDF-file
NEUSER, R.D., Schertl, H.-P., Logvinova, A.M., Sobolev, N.V., 2015. An EBSD study of olivine inclusions in Siberian diamonds: evidence for syngenetic growth? Russian Geology and Geophysics, 56, 321-329.
Schertl, H.-P., NEUSER, R.D., Logvinova, A.M., Wirth, R., Sobolev, N.V., 2015. Cathodoluminescence microscopy of the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure calcsilicate rocks: What can we learn from silicates, carbon-hosting minerals, and diamond? Russian Geology and Geophysics, 56, 100-112.
RICHTER, D.K, IMMENHAUSER, A., NEUSER, R.D., Mangini, A., 2015. Radiaxial-fibrous and fascicular-optic Mg-calcitic cave cements: a characterization using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). International Journal of Speleology, 44, 91-98. Download as PDF-file
RIECHELMANN, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Wassenburg, J. A., Schreuer, J., RICHTER, D. K., Riechelmann, D. F. C., Terente, M., Constantin, S., Mangini, A., and IMMENHAUSER, A. 2014. Physicochemical characteristics of drip waters: Influence on mineralogy and crystal morphology of recent cave carbonate precipitates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 145, 13-29
KWIECIEN, O., Stockhecke, M., Pickarski, N., G. Heumann, Litt, T., Sturm, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Kipfer, R., Haug, G.H., 2014. Dynamics of the last four glacial terminations recorded in Lake Van, Turkey, Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 42-52,.
Stockhecke, M., KWIECIEN, O., Vigliotti, L., Anselmetti, F.S., Beer, J., Cagatay, N., Chanell, J.E.T., Kipfer, R., Lachner, J., Litt, T., Pickarski, N., Sturm, M., 2014. Chronostratigraphy of the 600.000 year old continental record from Lake Van (Turkey), Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 8-17.
Baumgarten, H., Wonik, T., KWIECIEN, O., 2014. Facies characterization based on physical properties from downhole logging for the sediment record of Lake Van, Turkey, Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 85-96.
Randlett, M.-E., Coolen, M.L.J., Stockhecke, M., Pickarski, N., Litt, T., Balkema, Ch., KWIECIEN, O., Tomonaga, Y., Wehrli, B., Schubert, C.J., 2014. Alkenone distribution in Lake Van sediments since the last 600 kyrs; influences of temperature and haptophyte species composition, Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 53-62.
Stockhecke, M., Sturm, M., Bruner, I., Schmincke, H.-U., Sumita, M., Cukur, D., Kipfer, R. KWIECIEN, O., Anselmetti, F., 2014. Sedimentary evolution and environmental history of Lake Van (Turkey) over the past 600,000 years, Sedimentology, in press doi: 10.1111/sed.12118
BREITENBACH S. F. M., Cai, Y., KWIECIEN O., Osinzev, A. V., Tan L., Zhang H., 2014. A high-altitude cave as example for active karstification in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Cave and Karst Science 41 (3), 132-137
Meckler A.-N., Ziegler M., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Millan I., Bernasconi S., 2014. Long-term performance of the Kiel carbonate device with a new correction scheme for clumped isotope measurements. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 1705-1715
Tsurikhin E., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Loginov V., Votintseva A., 2014. The Dark Star of Baisun-tau: a history of exploration in Southern Uzbekistan, 1990-2013. Cave and Karst Science 41 (1) 36-41
Mutterlose J., BODIN S., Fähnrich L. (2014): Strontium-isotope stratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian-Barremian): Implications for Boreal - Tethys correlation and paleoclimate. Cretaceous Research 50, 252-263.
KRENCKER F.-N., BODIN S., HOFFMANN R., Suan G., Mattioli E., Kabiri L., Föllmi K.B., IMMENHAUSER A. (2014): The middle Toarcian cold snap: trigger of mass extinction and carbonate factory demise. Global and Planetary Change 117, 64-78.
Wood J.D., BODIN S., Redfern J., Thomas M.F.H. (2014): Controls on facies evolution in low accommodation, continental-scale fluvio-paralic systems (Messak Fm, SW Libya). Sedimentary Geology 303, 49-69.
Agada, S., Chen, F., Geiger, S., Toigulova, G., Agar, S., Shekar, R., Benson, G., Hehmeyer, O., Amour, F., Mutti, M., CHRIST, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. Numerical simulation of fluid-flow processes in a 3D high-resolution carbonate reservoir analogue. Petroleum Geoscience, 20, 125-142.
Henjes-Kunst F., Prochaska W., NIEDERMAYR A., Sullivan N., Baxter E., 2014, Sm-Nd dating of hydrothermal carbonate formation: An example from the Breitenau magnesite deposit (Styria, Austria). Chemical Geology 387, 184-201.
COIMBRA, R., IMMENHAUSER, A., Oloriz, F., 2014. Spatial geochemistry of Upper Jurassic marine carbonates (Iberian subplate). Earth Science Reviews, 139, 1-32.
COIMBRA, R., IMMENHAUSER, A., Oloriz, F., Rodriguez-Galian, V., Chica-Olmo, M. 2015. New insights into geochemical behaviour in ancient marine carbonates (Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso): Novel proxies for interpreting sea-level dynamics and palaeoceanography. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12148.
GESKE, A., Goldstein, R.H., RICHTER, D.K., BUHL, D., Kluge, T., John, C., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. The magnesium isotope (d26Mg) signature of dolomites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.11.003.
GESKE, A., Lockier, S., Dietzel, M., RICHTER, D.K., BUHL, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. Magnesium isotope composition of sabkha pore fluids and related (Sub-) Recent stoichiometric dolomites, Abu Dhabi (UAE). Chemical Geology. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.11.020.
HAHN, S., Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., Melzner, F., NEUSER, R.D., RITTER, A.-C., HOFFMAN, R., BUHL, D., NIEDERMAYR, A., GESKE, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. Exploring aberrant bivalve shell ultrastructure and geochemistry as proxies for past seawater acidification. Sedimentology, 61, 1625-1658.
KRENCKER, F.N., BODIN, S., HOFFMANN, R., Suan, G., Mattioli, E., Kabiri, L., Föllmi, K.B., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. The middle Toarcian cold snap: Trigger of mass extinction and carbonate factory demise. Global and Planetary Change, 117, 64-78.
Shekar, R., Sahni, I., Benson, G., Agar, S., Amour, F., Tomas, S., CHRIST, N., Alway, R., Mutti, M., IMMENHAUSER, A., Karcz, Z., Kabiri, L., 2014. Modelling and simulation of a Jurassic carbonate ramp outcrop, Amellago, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Petroleum Geoscience, /10.1144petgeo2013-010.
Zohdi, A., Seyed, A.M., Reza, M.-M., Asadollah, M., RICHTER, D.K., GESKE, A., Abbas, A.N., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. Shallow burial dolomitization of an Eocene carbonate platform. GeoArabia, 19, 17-54.
Stumpe, B., Steinweg, B., Neuser, A., Jansen, M., NEUSER, R.D., Marschner, B. 2014. 'Forensik im Untergrund' - Der Einsatz von Spektroskopie und mikroskopischer Dünnschliffanalyse zur Ermittlung der Herkunft stark Schwermetall belasteter Baustoffe. Altlasten Spektrum 23, 6-15, link:
RICHTER, D.K., HEINRICH, F., GESKE, A., NEUSER, R.D., GIES, H., IMMENHAUSER, A. 2014. First description of Phanerozoic radiaxial fibrous dolomite. Sedimentary Geology 304, 1-10.
TURPIN, M., Gressier, V., Bahamonde, J.R., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2014. Component-specific petrographic and geochemical characterization of fine-grained carbonates along Carboniferous and Jurassic platform-to-basin transects. Sediment. Geol. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.11.004
Kluge, T., Affek, H.P., Zhang, Y.G., Dubliansky, Y., Spötl, C., IMMENHAUSER, A., RICHTER, D.K., 2014. Clumped isotope thermometry of cryogenic cave carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.011
Pacton M., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Lechleitner F. A., Vaks A., Rollion-Bard C., Gutareva O. S., Osinzev A. V., Vasconcelos C., 2013. The role of microorganisms on the formation of a stalactite in Botovskaya Cave, Siberia - palaeoenvironmental implications. Biogeosciences 10, 6115-6130.
Rehfeld K., Marwan N., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Kurths J., 2013. Late Holocene Asian Summer Monsoon dynamics from small but complex networks of paleoclimate data. Climate Dynamics 41, 3-19.
Ernst N., Peterse F., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Syiemlieh H.J., Eglinton T., 2013. Biomarkers record the environmental changes along an altitudinal transect in the rainiest place on Earth. Organic Geochemistry 60, 93-99.
Vaks A., Gutareva O. S., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Avirmed E., Mason A. J., Thomas A. L., Osinzev A. V., Kononov A. M., Henderson G. M., 2013. Speleothems reveal 500,000 year history of Siberian permafrost. Science 340, 183-186.
Bernasconi S. M., Hu B., Wacker U., Fiebig J., BREITENBACH S. F. M., Rutz T., 2013. Background effects on Faraday collectors in gas-source mass spectrometry and implications for clumped isotope measurements. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 27, 603-612.
RICHTER, D.K., Meyer, S., Scholz, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2013. Multiphase formation of Weichselian cryogenic calcites, Riesenberg Cave (Süntel/NW Germany). Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Geowissenschaften 164, 353-367.
WASSENBURG, J.A., IMMENHAUSER, A., RICHTER, D.K., NIEDERMAYR, A., RIECHELMANN, S., Fietzke, J., Scholz, D., Jochum, K.P., Fohlmeister, J., Schroder-Ritzrau, A., Sabaoui, A., RIECHELMANN, D.F.C., Schneider, L., Esper, J., 2013. Moroccan speleothem and tree ring records suggest a variable positive state of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the Medieval Warm Period. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375, 291-302.
Zohdi, A., Mousavi-Harami, R., Moallemi, S.A., Mahboubi, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., 2013. Evolution, paleoecology and sequence architecture of an Eocene carbonate ramp, southeast Zagros Basin, Iran. GeoArabia 18, 49-80.
KUJAU, A., HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P.A., Pauly, S., Morales, C., Adatte, T., Föllmi, K., Ploch, I., MUTTERLOSE, J., 2013. Reconstructing Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) mid-latitude vegetation and climate dynamics on spore-pollen assemblages. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 197, 50-69.
Stalder, R., NEUSER, R.D., 2013. OH-defects in detrital quartz grains: Potential for application as tool for provenance analysis and overview over crustal average. Sedimentary Geology 294, 118-126.
Tomas, S., Homann, M., Mutti, M., Amour, F., Christ, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Agar, S.M., Kabiri, L., 2013. Alternation of microbial mounds and ooid shoals (Middle Jurassic, Morocco): Response to paleoenvironmental changes. Sedimentary Geology 294, 68-82.
Dietzel M., Purgstaller B., Leis A., Reichl P., Stadler H., NIEDERMAYR A., Rinder T., Wagner H., 2013, Current challenges for scaling of tunnel drainage systems - Modelling approaches, monitoring tools and prevention strategies / Aktuelle Herausforderungen bei der Versinterung von Tunneldränagen - Modellierungsansätze, Monitoringwerkzeuge und Präventionsstrategien. Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 6, 743-753.
BODIN S., Godet A., Westermann S. & Föllmi K.B.: Secular change in northwestern Tethyan water-mass oxygenation during the late Hauterivian-Early Aptian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (in press)
Godet, A., Föllmi, K.B., Spangenberg, J.E., BODIN, S., Vermeulen, J., Adatte, T., Bonvallet, L., Arnaud, H., 2013. Deciphering the message of Early Cretaceous drowning surfaces from the Helvetic Alps: What can be learnt from platform to basin correlations? Sedimentology 60, 152-173.
Jiménez Berrocoso, A., BODIN, S., Wood, J., Calvert, S.E., Mutterlose, J., Petrizzo, M.R., Redfern, J., 2013. Dynamic sedimentary conditions during periods of enhanced sequestration of organic carbon in the central southern Tethys at the onset of the Cenozoic global cooling. Sedimentary Geology 290, 60-84.
Thomas, M.F.H., BODIN, S., 2013. Architecture and evolution of the Finale channel system, the Numidian Flysch Formation of Sicily; insights from a hierarchical approach. Marine and Petroleum Geology 41, 163-185.
Amour, F., M. Mutti, N. CHRIST, I. IMMENHAUSER, G. S. Benson, S. M. Agar, S. Tomás, and L. Kabiri (2013), Outcrop analog for an oolitic carbonate ramp reservoir: A scale-dependent geologic modeling approach based on stratigraphic hierarchy, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 97(5), 845-871.
HUCK, S., H. HEIMHOFER, A. IMMENHAUSER, and H. Weissert (2013), Carbon-isotope stratigraphy of Early Cretaceous (Urgonian) shoal-water deposits: Diachronous changes in carbonate-platform production in the north-western Tethys, Sedimentary Geology, 290, 157-174.
Hippler, D., Witbaard, R., van Aken, H.M., BUHL, D. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2013), Exploring the calcium isotope signature of Arctica islandica as an environmental proxy using laboratory- and field-cultured specimens, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 373, 75-87.
Kluge T., Affek H.P., Marx T., Aeschbach-Hertig W., RIECHELMANN D.F.C., Scholz D., RIECHELMANN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A., RICHTER, D. K., Fohlmeister, J., Wackerbarth, A., Mangini, A., and Spötl, C. (2013) Reconstruction of drip-water d18O based on calcite oxygen and clumped isotopes of speleothems from Bunker Cave (Germany). Climate of the Past. 9, 377-391.
NIEDERMAYR, A., Köhler, S. J., Dietzel, M., (2013), Impacts of aqueous carbonate accumulation rate, magnesium and polyaspartic acid on calcium carbonate formation (6 - 40 °C), Chemical geology, 340, 105 - 120.
Bideau, C., Obermann, P. und NEUSER, R.D. 2013, Fremdkörper im Ductus choledochus - eine ungewöhnliche Ursache für Bauchschmerzen, Zeitschr. f. Allgemeinmedizin, 89, 20-23. Download as PDF-file
RIECHELMANN, D.F.C., Deininger, M., Scholz, D., RIECHELMANN, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Spötl, C., RICHTER, D.K., Mangini, A., and IMMENHAUSER, A. 2013, Disequilibrium carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in recent cave calcite: Comparison of cave precipitates and model data, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 232-244.
GESKE, A. J. Zorlu, J., RICHTER, D.K., BUHL, D., NIEDERMAYR, A., IMMENHAUSER, A., (2012), Impact of diagenesis and low grade metamorphosis on isotope (δ26Mg, δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr) and elemental (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and Sr) signatures of Triassic sabkha dolomites, Chemical Geology, 332-333, 45-64.
Tang, J., NIEDERMAYR, A., Köhler, S. J., Böhm, F., Kisakurek, B., Eisenhauer, A., Dietzel, M., (2012), Sr2+/Ca2+ and 44Ca/40Ca fractionation during inorganic calcite formation: III. Impact of salinity/ionic strength. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 77, 432 - 443.
Wackerbarth, A., Langebroek, P. M., Werner, M., Lohmann, G., RIECHELMANN, S., Borsato, A. and A. Mangini 2012, Simulated oxygen isotopes in cave drip water and speleothem calcite in European caves, Climate of the Past, 8, 1781-1799.
RIECHELMANN, S., D. BUHL, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, D.F.C. Riechelmann, D.K. RICHTER, H. B. Vonhof, J. WASSENBURG, A. GESKE, C. Spötl, and A. IMMENHAUSER 2012, The magnesium isotope record of cave carbonate archives, Climate of the Past, 8, 1849-1867.
Fohlmeister, J Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Scholz, D., Spötl, C., Riechelmann, D.F.C., Mudelsee, M., Wackerbarth, A., Gerdes, A., RIECHELMANN, S., IMMENHAUSER, A., RICHTER, D.K., Mangini, A. 2012, Bunker Cave stalagmites: an archive for central European Holocene climate variability, Climate of the Past, 8, 1751-1764.
Götze, J., Schertl, H.-P., NEUSER, R.D., Kempe, U. and Hanchar, J.M. 2012, Optical microscope-cathodoluminescence (OM-CL) imaging as a powerful tool to reveal internal textures of minerals. Miner.Petrol., DOI 10.1007/s00710-012-0256-0.
Godet A., Föllmi K.B., BODIN S., De Kaenel E., Matera V., Adatte T., Arnaud-Vanneau A., Arnaud H., Vermeulen J. (2012): A Late Barremian age for the onset of Urgonian-type facies in the Swiss Jura Mountains. Sedimentology 59, 1126-1132.
Föllmi K.B., Bôle M., Jammet N., Froidevaux P., Godet A., BODIN S., Adatte T., Matera V., Fleitmann D., Spangenberg J. (2012): Bridging the Faraoni and Selli oceanic anoxic events: short and repetitive dys- and anaerobic episodes during the Late Hauterivian to Early Aptian in the central Tethys. Climates of the Past 8, 171-189.
J. WASSENBURG, A. IMMENHAUSER, D. K. RICHTER, K. P. Jochum, J. Fietzke, M. Deininger, M. Goos, D. Scholz, and A. Sabaoui (2012), Climate and cave control on Pleistocene/Holocene calcite-to-aragonite transitions in speleothems from Morocco: Elemental and isotopic evidence, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 92, 23-47.
TURPIN, M., L. Emmanuel, A. IMMENHAUSER, and M. Renard (2012), Geochemical and petrographical characterization of fine-grained carbonate particles along proximal to distal transects, Sedimentary Geology, 231, 1-20.
HUCK, S., U. HEIMHOFER, and A. IMMENHAUSER (2012), Early Aptian algal bloom in a neritic proto-North Atlantic setting: Harbinger of global change related to OAE 1a?, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 124, 1810-1825.
CHRIST, N., A. IMMENHAUSER, F. Amour, M. Mutti, R. Preston, F. F. Whitacker, A. Peterhänsel, S. O. Egenhoff, P. A. Dunn, and S. M. Agar (2012), Triassic Latemar cycle tops - Subaerial exposure of platform carbonates under tropical arid climate, Sedimentary Geology (265-266), 1-29.
HAHN, S., Rodolfo-Malpensa, R., Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., BUHL, D., Hall-Spencer, J.M., Baggini, C., Fehr, K.T., and IMMENHAUSER A. (2012): Marine bivalve shell geochemistry and ultrastructure from modern low pH environments: environmental effect versus experimental bias, Biogeosciences, 9, 1897-1914.
Amour, F., Mutti, M., CHRIST, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Agar, S.M., Benson, G.S., Tomas, S., Always, R. and Kabiri, L. (2012): Capturing an modelling metre-scale spatial facies heterogenetity in a Jurassic ramp setting (Central High Atlas, Morocco), Sedimentology, 59, 1158-1189.
KUJAU, A., HEIMHOFER, U., Ostertag-Henning, C., Gréselle, B., MUTTERLOSE, J., (2012): No evidence for anoxia during the Valanginian carbon isotope event-An organic-geochemical study from the Vocontian Basin, SE France. Global and Planetary Change. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.04.007.
RAMEIL, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Csoma, A.E., Warrlich, G. (2012): Surfaces with a long history: the Aptian top Shu'aiba Formation unconformity, Sultanate of Oman. Sedimentology, 59: 212-248.
CHRIST, N., A. IMMENHAUSER, F. Amour, M. Mutti, S. Tomas, S. M. Agar, R. Alway, and L. Kabiri (2012): Characterization and interpretation of discontinuity surfaces in a Jurassic ramp setting (High Atlas, Morocco), Sedimentology, 59, 249-290.
RIECHELMANN, S., D. BUHL, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, C. Spötl, D. F. C. Riechelmann, D. RICHTER, T. Kluge, T. Marx, and A. IMMENHAUSER (2012): Hydrogeochemistry and fractionation pathways of Mg isotopes in a continental weathering system: Lessons from field experiments, Chemical Geology, 300-301, 109-122.
TURPIN, M., Emmanuel, L., Reijmer, J.J.G., Renard, M. (2011): Whiting-related sediment export along the Middle Miocene carbonate ramp of Great Bahama Bank. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100: 1875-1894.
RIECHELMANN, D.F.C., Schröder-Ritzau, A., Scholz, D., Fohlmeister, J., Spötl, C., RICHTER, D.K., Mangini, A. (2011): Monitoring of the Bunker Cave (NW Germany): Assessing the Complexity of Cave Environmental Parameters.- Journal of Hydrology 409 (3-4), 682-695.
BODIN S., Fröhlich S., Boutib L., Lahsini S., Redfern J. (2011): Early Toarcian source-rock potential in the Central High Atlas Basin (Central Morocco): Regional distribution and depositional model. Journal of Petroleum Geology 34, 345-364.
Föllmi K.B., Bôle M., Jammet N., Froidevaux P., Godet A., BODIN S., Adatte T., Matera V., Fleitmann D., Spangenberg J. (2011): Bridging the Faraoni and Selli oceanic anoxic events: short and repetitive dys- and anaerobic episodes during the Late Hauterivian to Early Aptian in the central Tethys. Climates of the Past Discussion 7, 2021-2059.
Godet A., Föllmi K.B., Stille P., BODIN S., Matera V., Adatte T. (2011): Reconciling strontium-isotope and K-Ar ages with biostratigraphy: the case of the Urgonian platform, Early Cretaceous of the Jura Mountains, Western Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 104, 147-160.
Amour, F., Mutti, M., CHRIST, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Agar, S.M., Benson, G.S., Tomas, S., Always, R. and Kabiri, L. (2011): Capturing and modelling metre-sclae spatial facies heterogeneity in a Jurassic ramp setting (Central high Atlas, Morocco). Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01299x.
Vonhof, H.B., Jagt, J.W.M., IMMENHAUSER, A., Smit, J., van den Berg, Y.W., Saher, M., Keugten, N. and Reijmer, J.J.G. (2011): Belemnite-based strontium, carbon and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of the type areas of the Maastrichtian stage. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 90-2/3: 259-270.
Sobolev, N.V., Schertl, H.-P., Valley, J.W., Page, F.Z., Kita, N.T., Spicuzza, M.J., NEUSER, R.D. and Logvinova, A.M. (2011): Oxygen isotope variations of garnets and clinopyroxenes in a layered diamondiferous calcsilicate rock from Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan: a window into the geochemical nature of deeply subducted UHPM rocks. Contrib.Mineral.Petrol. DOI 10.1007/s00410-011-0641-4
RICHTER, D.K., Mischel, S., Dorsten, I., Mangini, A. NEUSER, R.D. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2011): Zerbrochene Höhlensinter und Kryocalcite als Indikatoren für eiszeitlichen Permafrost im Herbstlabyrinth-Adventhöhle-System bei Breitscheid-Erdbach (N-Hessen). Die Höhle 62, 31-45.
RICHTER, D.K., NEUSER, R.D., Schreuer, J., Gies, H. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2011): Radiaxial-fibrous calcites: a new look at an old problem. Sedimentary Geology 239, 23-36.
HUCK, S., HEIMHOFER, U., RAMEIL, N., BODIN, S. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2011): Strontium and carbon-isotope chronostratigraphy of Barremian-Aptian shoal-water carbonates: Northern Tethyan platform drowning predates OAE 1a. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304, 547-558.
IMMENHAUSER, A. and RAMEIL, N. (2011): Interpretation of ancient epikarst features in carbonate successions - A note of caution. Sedimentary Geology 239, 1-9.
Müller, M.N., Kisakürek, B., BUHL, D., Gutperlet, R. Kolevica, A., Riebesell, U., Stoll, H., Eisenhauer, A. (2011): Response of coccolithophores Emiliana huxleyi and Coccolithus braarudii to changing seawater Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations: Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca ratios and δ44/40 Ca, δ26/24 Mg of coccolith calcite. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 75, 2088-2102.
Brand, U., Bitner, M.A., Azmy, K., BUHL, D., (2011): What is the ideal proxy of Paleozoic seawater chemistry? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Paleontologists 41, 9-24.
BODIN S., Mattioli E, Fröhlich S., Marshall J., Boutib L, Lahsini S., Redfern J. (2010):Toarcian carbon isotope shifts and nutrient changes along the Northern Gondwana margin (High Atlas, Morocco, Jurassic): palaeoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297, 377-390.
RICHTER, D.K., SCHULTE, U., Mangini, A., Erlemeyer, A., Erlemeyer, M. (2010): Mittel- und Oberpleistozäne Calcitpartikel kryogener Entstehung aus der Apostelhöhle südöstlich Brilon (Sauerland, NRW).- Geol.Paläont.Westfalen 78:61-71.
DREYER, R., NIGGEMANN, S., RICHTER, D.K., STRITZKE, R. (2010): Eine Mikrofloren-Mischvergesellschaftung in mittelpleistozänen Schichten (MIS 6) der Dechenhöhle (NW-Sauerland/NRW).- Geol.Paläont.Westfalen 78: 73-81.
MEISSNER, P., RIECHELMANN, S., Jansen, K., RICHTER, D.K., Voigt, S. (2010): CO2-Monitoring in den Höhlen des Bergischen Landes - Aggertalhöhle, Kluterthöhle und Bismarckhöhle.- Mitt.Verb.deutsch.Höhlen- u. Karstforsch. 56, 45-51.
Miorandi, R., Borsato, R., Frisia, S., Fairchild, I.J., RICHTER, D.K. (2010): Long-term drip-water monitoring and CaCO3 precipitation in a shallow cave (Grotta di Ernesto, N. Italy): epicarst hydrology and implications for spleothem growth and paleoclimatic reconstructions.- Hydrological Processes 24: 3101-3114.
BODIN S., Petitpierre L., Wood J., Elkanouni I., Redfern J. (2010): Timing of Early to Mid-Cretaceous tectonic phases along North Africa: New insights from the Jeffara escarpment (Libya-Tunisia). Journal of African Earth Sciences 58, 489-506.
Brand, U., Azmy, K., Tazawa, J., Sano, H., BUHL, D. (2010): Hydrothermal diagenesis of Paleozoic seamount carbonate components. Chemical Geology 278, 173-185.
Fröhlich S., Petitpierre L., Redfern J., Grech P., BODIN S., Lang S. (2010): Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis of Carboniferous deposits in western Libya: Recording the sedimentary response of the northern Gondwana margin to climate and sea-level changes. Journal of African Earth Sciences 57, 279-296.
Gillhaus, A., RICHTER, D.K., GÖTTE, T. and NEUSER, R.D. (2010): From tabular to rhombohedral dolomite crystals in Zechstein 2 dolostones from Scharzfeld /SW Harz/Germany): A case study with combined CL and EBSD investigations.- Sed. Geol. 228: 284-291.
Godet A., Föllmi K.B., BODIN S., De Kaenel E., Matera V., Adatte T. (2010): Stratigraphic, sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental constraints on the rise of the Urgonian platform in the western Swiss Jura. Sedimentology 57, 1088-1125.
Griesshaber, E., NEUSER, R.D. & Schmahl, W.W. (2010): The application of EBSD analysis to biomaterials: microstructural and crystallographic texture variations in marine carbonate shells.- Seminarios de la Sociedad Espanola de Mineralogia, 7: 20-30.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P.A. (2010): Early Cretaceous angiosperm pollen from a low-latitude succession (Araripe Basin, NE Brazil). Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, 161: 105-126.
HEIMHOFER, U., Ariztegui, D., Lenniger, M., Hesselbo, S. P., Martill, D.M. (2010): Deciphering the depositional environment of the laminated Crato fossil beds (Early Cretaceous, Araripe Basin, North-eastern Brazil). Sedimentology, 57: 677-694.
Hinzen, K.-G, Fleischer, C., Reamer, S. K., Schreiber, S., Schütte, S., YERLI, B. (2010), Quantitative Methods in Archaeoseismology, Quaternary International Special Issue, Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology, (Eds.) P. G. Silva, M. Sintubin & K. Reicherter, Quaternary International (in press).
HUCK, S., RAMEIL, N., Korbar, T., HEIMHOFER, U., Wieczorek, T.D. and IMMENHAUSER, A. (2010). Latitudinally different responses of Tethyan shoal-water carbonate systems to the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a). Sedimentology, 57: 1585-1614.
RAMEIL, N., IMMENHAUSER, A., Warrlich, G., Hillgärtner, H. and Droste, H.J. (2010). Morphological patterns of Aptian Lithocodium Bacinella geobodies: relation to environment and scale. Sedimentology, 57: 833-911
RICHTER, D.K., MEISSNER, P., IMMENHAUSER, A., SCHULTE, U. and Dorsten, I. (2010). Cryogenic and non-cryogenic pool calcites reflect alternating permafrost and interglacial periods (Breitscheid-Erbach Cave, Germany). The Cryosphere (Discussions), 4: 1011-1034.
Thomas M.F.H., BODIN S., Redfern J., Irving D.H.B. (2010): A constrained African-craton source for the Cenozoic Numidian Flysch: Implications for the palaeogeography of the western Mediterranean basin. Earth-Science Reviews 101, 1-23.
Thomas M.F.H., BODIN S., Redfern J. (2010): Comment on "European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia" by Fildes et al. (2010). Terra Nova 22, 501-503.
van der Kooij, B., IMMENHAUSER, A., Steuber, T., Bahamonde, J.R. and Merino Tome, O. (2010). Controlling factors of volumetrically important marine carbonate cementation in deep slope settings. Sedimentology, 57: 1491-1525.
YERLI, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, M., Karabacak, V., Yalciner, C., Altunel, E., (2010). Assessment of seismically induced damage using LIDAR: the ancient city of Pinara (SW Turkey) as a case study. In; Ancient Earthquakes, (Eds.) Sintubin, M., Stewart, I.S., Niemi, T. M., and Altunel, E., Geological Society of America, Special Paper 471: 157-170.
YERLI, B., ten Veen, J. H., Sintubin, Testing a logic tree approach for archaeoseismology to the Ancient City of Pinara (SW Turkey), (2010) Quaternary International Special Issue, Earthquake Archaeology and Palaeoseismology, (Eds.) P. G. Silva, M. Sintubin & K. Reicherter, Quaternary International (in press).
KWIECIEN, O., Arz, H. W., Lamy, F., Plessen, B., Bahr, A., & Haug, G. H., 2009. North Atlantic control on precipitation pattern in the eastern Mediterranean/Black Sea region during the last glacial. Quaternary Research, 71(3), 375–384. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2008.12.004
BODIN S., Fiet N., Godet A., Matera V., Westermann S., Clément A., Janssen N.M.M., Stille P., Föllmi K.B. (2009): Early Cretaceous (late Berriasian to early Aptian) palaeoceanographic change along the northwestern Tethyan margin (Vocontian Trough, southeastern France): δ13C, δ18O and Sr-isotope belemnite and whole-rock records. Cretaceous Research 30, 1247-1262.
Burla, S., Oberli, F., HEIMHOFER, U., Wiechert, U., Weissert, H. (2009): Improved time control of Cretaceous coastal deposits: New results from Sr isotope measurements using laser ablation. Terra Nova 21, 401-409.
Schulte, P., Deutsch, A., Salge, T., Berndt, J., Kontny, A., MacLeod, K.G., NEUSER, R.D., Krumm, S. (2009): A dual-layer Chicxulub ejecta sequence with shocked carbonates from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, Demerara Rise, western Atlantic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 1180-1204.
Hippler, D., BUHL D., Witbaard, R., RICHTER, D.K. and IMMENHAUSER, A. 2009. Towards a better understanding of magnesium-isotope ratios from marine skeletal carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73: 6134-6146.
IMMENHAUSER, A. 2009,. Estimating palaeo-water depth from the physical rock record. Earth-Science Reviews 96: 107-139.
Sattler, U., IMMENHAUSER, A., Schlager, W. and Zampetti, V. 2009. Drowning histroy of a Miocene carbonate platform (Zhujiang Formation, South China Sea). Sedimentary Geology, 219: 319-331.
COIMBRA, R., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Oloriz, F. 2009. Matrix micrite δ13C and δ18O reveals synsedimentary marine lithification in Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso limestones (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 219: 332-348.
van der Kooij, B., IMMENHAUSER, A., Csoma, A., Bahamonde, J.R. and Steuber, T. 2009. Spatial geochemistry of a Carboniferous platform-margin-to-basin transect: Balancing environmental and diagenetic factors. Sedimentary Geology, 219: 136-150.
GÖRGEN, P., RICHTER, D.K., Götte, T. & NEUSER, R.D. (2009): Use of cathodoluminescence in heavy mineral analytics illustrated by the stable mineral group monazite-xenotime-zircon from Triassic sandstones of NE-Bavaria.- Z.dt.Ges.Geowiss. 160, 57-68
Bahr, A., Lamy, F., Arz, H. W., Major, C., KWIECIEN, O., & Wefer, G., 2008. Abrupt changes of temperature and water chemistry in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene Black Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(1), doi:10.1029/2007GC001683
KWIECIEN, O., Arz, H.W., Lamy, F., Wulf, S., Bahr, A., Röhl, U. and Haug, G.H., 2008. Estimated reservoir ages of the Black Sea since the Last Glacial, Radiocarbon, 50 (1), 99-118.
Becker M.A,, Seidemann, D.E., Chamberlain, J.A., BUHL, D. and Slattery, W., 2008. Strontium isotopic signatures in the enameloid and dentine of upper Cretaceous shark teeth from western Alabama: Paleoecologic and geochronologic implications., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,264 (1-2), 188-194.
Burla, S., HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P. A. and Weissert, H., 2008. Changes in sedimentary patterns of coastal and deep-sea successions from the North Atlantic (Portugal) linked to Early Cretaceous environmental change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 257, 38-57.
Götz, A.E., RAMEIL, N. and Borkhataria, R., 2008. Epeiric carbonates of the Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) outcrop analogue for layer-cake hydrocarbon reservoirs. In: Excursion Guidebook, 26th IAS Regional Meeting, Bochum, 1-3 Sept. 2008 (Eds N. RAMEIL, T.D. WIECZOREK and A. IMMENHAUSER), Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichungen Dt. Ges. Geowiss, Heft 237, pp. 150-163.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hesselbo, S. P., Pancost, R. D., Martill, D. M., Hochuli, P. A. and Guzzo, J. V. P., 2008. Evidence for photic-zone euxinia in the Early Albian Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, NE Brazil). Terra Nova, 20, 347-354.
HEIMHOFER, U., Adatte, T., Hochuli, P. A., Burla, S. and Weissert, H., 2008. Coastal sediments from the Algarve - Low-latitude climate archive for the Aptian-Albian. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97 (4), 785-797.
Martill, D. M., Loveridge, R. F. and HEIMHOFER, U., 2008. Dolomite pipes in the Crato Formation fossil lagerstätte (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian), of northeastern Brazil. Cretaceous Research, 29, 78-86.
Neufeld, K., Ring, U., Heidelbach, F., Dietrich, S., NEUSER, R.D., 2008. Omphacite textures in eclogites of the Tauern Window: Implications for the exhumation of the Eclogite Zone, Eastern Alps, Journal of Structural Geology.- doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2008.03.010
RAMEIL, N., 2008. Early diagenetic dolomitization and dedolomitization of Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous platform carbonates: A case study from the Jura Mountains (NW Switzerland, E France). Sedimentary Geology, 212, 70-85.
RICHTER, D.K., RIECHELMANN, D.F.C., 2008. Late Pleistocene cryogenic calcite spherolites from Malacitdom Cave (NE Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany): Origin, unusual internal structure and stable C-O isotope composition. Int.J.Speleology 37, 119-129
RICHTER, D.K., IMMENHAUSER, A. and NEUSER, R.D., 2008. Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) documents randomly oriented c-axes in moonmilk calcite fibres - evidence for biologically induced precipitation. - Sedimentology 55, 487-497
RICHTER, D.K., NEUSER, R.D and Voigt, S., 2008. Kryogene Calcitpartikel aus der Heilenbecker Höhle in Ennepetal (NE Bergisches Land/Nordrhein-Westfalen).- Die Höhle 59, 24-34, Download as PDF-file
TEN VEEN, J.H., Boulton, S.J. and Alçiçek, M.C., 2008. From palaeotectonics to neotectonics in the Neotethys realm: The importance of kinematic decoupling and inherited structural grain in SW Anatolia (Turkey), Tectonophysics, in press.
Schmahl, W., Griesshaber, E., NEUSER, R.D., Goetz, A. and Lüter, C., 2008. Electron Backscatter Diffraction Study of Brachiopod Shell Calcite - Microscale Phase and Texture Analysis of a Polycrystalline Biomaterial. Part.Part.Syst.Charact. 25, 474-478.
Alçiçek, M.C. and TEN VEEN, J.H., 2008, The late Early Miocene Acipayam piggy back basin: refining the last stages of Lycian nappe emplacement in SW Turkey. Sedimentary Geology, 208, 101-113.
Schertl, H.-P & NEUSER, R.D., 2007. Unusual lath-shaped garnet-zoisite intergrowth textures from a UHP zoisite-quartz fels, Dora Maira, Northwest Italy: an EBSD case study. International Geology Review, 49, 626–635, doi:
Colombié, C. and RAMEIL, N., 2007. Tethyan-to-boreal correlation in the Kimmeridgian using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy (Vocontian Basin, Swiss Jura, Boulonnais, Dorset). Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundschau), 96(3), 567-591.
BUHL, D., IMMENHAUSER, A., Smeulders, G., Kabiri, L. and RICHTER, D.K. Time series δ26Mg analysis in speleothem calcite: Kinetic versus equilibrium fractionation, comparison with other proxies and implications for palaeoclimate research. Chemical Geology, 244, 715-729.
Farkas, J., BUHL, D., Blenkinsorp, J., and Veizer, J., 2007. Evolution of the oceanic calcium cycle during the late Mesozoic: Evidence from δ44/40Ca of marine skeletal carbonates; Earth Planetary Science Letters 253, 9-111.
Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., NEUSER, R.D., Pettke, T., Blüm, M., MUTTERLOSE, J. and Brand, U., 2007. Crystallographic texture and microstructure of terebratulide brachiopod shell calcite: An optimized materials design with hierarchical architecture.- American Mineralogist 92, 722-734.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P. A., Burla, S. and Weissert, H., 2007. New records of Early Creteaceous angiosperm pollen from Portuguese coastal deposits: Implications for the timing of the early angiosperm radiation. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, 144, 39-76.
HEIMHOFER, U. and Martill, D. M., 2007. The sedimentology and depositional environment of the Crato Formation. In: Martill, D. M., Bechly, G. and Loveridge, R. F. (Eds.) The Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil: Window into an Ancient World, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 624 pp.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Dublyansky, Y.V., Verwer, K., Fleitman, D., Pashenko, S.E., 2007. Textural, Elemental, and Isotopic Characteristics of Pleistocene Phreatic Cave Deposits (Jabal Madar, Oman). Journ. Sed. Res.,77, 68-88.
Martill, D. M. and HEIMHOFER, U., 2007. Stratigraphy of the Crato Formation. In: Martill, D. M., Bechly, G. and Loveridge, R. F. (Eds.) The Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil: Window into an Ancient World, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 624 pp.
Martill, D. M., Loveridge, R. F. and HEIMHOFER, U., Halite pseudomorphs in the Crato Formation (Early Cretaceous, Late Aptian), Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil: Further evidence for hypersalinity. Cretaceous Research, 28, 613-620.
Merkel, C., Griesshaber, E., Kelm, K., NEUSER, R.D., Jordan, G., Logan, A., Mader, W. and Schmahl, W.W., 2007. Micromechanical properties and structural characterization of modern inarticulated brachiopod shells.- J.Geophys.Res. 112, G02008, doi:10.1029/2006JG000253.
NEUSER, R. D. and RICHTER, D. K., 2007. Non-marine radiaxial fibrous calcites - examples of speleothems proved by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). Sedimentary Geology, 194, 149-154, Amsterdam.
RICHTER, D.K. and NEUSER, R.D., 2007. Wurmförmige Excentriques mit ungewöhnlichem Calcitgefüge Untersuchungen mit der Elektronen-Rückstreu-Beugungs-Methode. − Die Höhle 58, 12-19.
Steuber, T., Parente, M., HAGMAIER, M., IMMENHAUSER, A., van der Kooij, B., and Frijia, G., 2007. Latest Maastrichtian species-rich rudist associations of the Apulian Margin of Salento (S Italy) and the Ionian Islands (Greece). In R.W. Scott (Ed.) - Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: Environmental Feedback. SEPM Special Publication, 87, 151-157.
Van der Kooij, B. IMMENHAUSER, A., Steuber, T. HAGMAIER, M. Bahamonde, J. and Samankassou, E., 2007. Marine red staining of a Pennsylvanian carbonate slope: environmental and oceanographic significanc.Journal of Sedimentary Research, 77, 1026-1045.
Weihmann, J., Mansfeldt, T. and SCHULTE, U., 2007. Stable carbon (12/13C) and nitrogen (14/15N) isotopes as a tool for identifying the sources of cyanide in wasted and contaminated soils - A method development. Analytica Chimica Acta, 582: 375-381.
Alçiçek, M.C, TEN VEEN, J.H. and Özkul, M., 2006. Neotectonic development of the Çameli Basin, southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. In: A. Robertson, D. Mountrakis and J-P. Brun (Eds.) - Tectonic development of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ., 260, 591-611.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P. A., Herrle, J. O. and Weissert, H., 2006. Contrasting origins of Early Cretaceous black shales in the Vocontian Basin: Evidence from palynological and calcareous nannofossil records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 235, 93-109.
Hochuli, P. A., HEIMHOFER, U., and Weissert, H., 2006. Timing of early angiosperm radiation - recalibrating the classical succession. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 163, 587-594.
Kessels, K., MICHALZIK, D. and MUTTERLOSE, J., 2006. Early Cretaceous (Vallanginian - Hauterivian) calcareous nannofossils and isotopes of the northern hemisphere: proxies for the understanding of Cretaceous climate. Lethaia, 39, 157-172.
Kuupo, P.,Tamminen, T., Voss, M. and SCHULTE, U., 2006. Nitrogenous discharges to the eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea: Elemental flows, stable isotope signatures, and their estuarine modification. Journal of Marine Systems, 63: 191-208.
Voss, M., Deutsch, B., Elmgren, R., Humborg, C., Kuupo, P., Pastuszak, M., Rolff, C. and SCHULTE, U., 2006. Source identification of nitrate by means of isotopic tracers in the Baltic Sea catchments. Biogeosciences, 3: 663-676.
Götte, Th. and RICHTER, D. K., 2006. Cathodoluminescence characterization of quartz particles in mature arenites. Sedimentology, 53, 1347-1359.
RICHTER, D.K., Krampitz, H., GÖRGEN, P., Götte, Th. and NEUSER, R.D., 2006. Xenotime in the Lower Buntsandstein of Central Europe: Evidence from cathodoluminescence investigation. Sed. Geol., 183, 261-268.
Steuber, Th. and BUHL, D., 2006. Calcium-isotope fractionation in selected modern and ancient marine carbonates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 5507-5521.
Zitter, T.A.C., Huguen, C., TEN VEEN, J., and Woodside, J.M., 2006. Tectonic control on mud volcanoes and fluid seeps in the Anaximander Mountains, eastern Mediterranean Sea. In Y. Dilek and S. Pavlides (Eds.) - Postcollisional tectonics and magmatism in the Mediterranean region and Asia. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper, 409, 615-631.
Bertotti, G., IMMENHAUSER, A., and Taal-van-Koppen, J.K.J., 2005. Stratigraphic and regional distribution of fractures in Barremian-Aptian carbonate rocks of Eastern Oman: outcrop data and their extrapolation to Interior Oman hydrocarbon reservoirs: International Journal of Earth Sciences, 94, 447-461.
Bruhn, F., Veizer, J., BUHL, D., and Meijer, J., 2005. Diagenetic history of the Korallenoolith (Malm) of northwestern Germany: Implications from in-situ trace element and isotopic studies Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 231: 518-523.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P.A., Burla, S., Dinis, J. and Weissert, H., 2005. Timing of Early Cretaceous angiosperm diversification and possible links to major paleoenvironmental change. Geology, 33, 141-144.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Nägler, T. F., Steuber, T., and Hippler, D., 2005. A critical assessment of mollusk 18O/16O, Mg/Ca, and 44Ca/40Ca ratios as proxies for Cretaceous seawater temperature seasonality. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 215, 221-237.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Hillgärtner, H. and Van Bentum, E., 2005. Microbial-foraminiferal episodes in the Early Aptian of the southern Tethyan margin: Ecological significance and possible relation to oceanic anoxic sub-event 1a. Sedimentology, 52, 77-99.
IMMENHAUSER, A., 2005. High-rate sea-level change during the Mesozoic: New approaches to an old problem. Sedimentary Geology, 175, 277-296.
RAMEIL, N., 2005. Carbonate sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and cyclostratigraphy of the Tithonian in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains - a high-resolution record of changes in sea level and climate. GeoFocus 13, 1-246. Download pdf
Sattler, U., IMMENHAUSER, A., Hillgärtner, H. and Esteban, M., 2005. Characterization, lateral variability and lateral extent of discontinuity surfaces on a carbonate platform (Barremian to Lower Aptian, Oman). Sedimentology, 52, 339-361.
Voss, M., Liskow, I., Pastuszak, M., Rüss, D., SCHULTE, U. and Dippner, J. W., 2005. Riverine Discharge into a coastal bay: A stable isotope study in the Gulf of Gdansk, Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Science, 57: 127-145.
W.W. Schmahl, E. Griesshaber, R.D. NEUSER, T. Pettke, and U. Brand (2005): Brachiopod shell biomineralization; structural and chemical characteristics.- (in Abstracts of the 15th annual V. M. Goldschmidt conference) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (10, Suppl.):118.
Griesshaber, E., Schmahl, W.W., NEUSER, R.D., Job, R., Bluem, M. & Brand, U. (2005): Microstructure of brachiopod shells - an inorganic/organic fibre composite with nanocrystalline protective layer.- in: Mechanical properties of bio-inspired and biological materials, Katt, K., Ulm, F.J., Hellmich, C., Viney, C., eds., MRS Symp.Proc.Ser., 844, 99-104.
Bahamonde, J.R., Kenter, J.A.M., Della Porta, G., Keim, L., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Reijmer, J.J.G., 2004. Lithofacies across a high-rising Carboniferous carbonate platform margin dominated by microbial boundstone (NW Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 166, 135-156.
Bauer, J., Steuber, T., Kuss, J. and HEIMHOFER, U., 2004. Distribution of shallow-water benthics (rudists, calcareous algae, benthic foraminifers) in the Cenomanian-Turonian carbonate platform sequences of Sinai, Egypt. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 247, 207-231.
Detmers, J., Strauss, H., SCHULTE, U., Bergmann, A., Knittel, K. and Kuever, J., 2004. FISH Shows That Desulfotomaculum spp. are the Dominating Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Pristine Aquifer. Microb. Ecology 47: 236-242.
Götte, Th. and RICHTER, D. K., 2004. Quantitative high-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of smithsonite. Mineral. Mag., 68(1), 199-207.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P. A., Herrle, J. O., Andersen, N. and Weissert, H., 2004. Absence of major vegetation and palaeoatmospheric pCO2 changes associated with oceanic anoxic event 1a (Early Aptian, SE France). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 223, 303-318.
IMMENHAUSER, A. and Matthews, R.K., 2004. Albian sea-level cycles in Oman: The 'Rosetta Stone' approach. GeoArabia, 9/3, 11-46.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Hillgärtner, H., Sattler, U., Bertotti, G., Schoepfer, P., Homewood, P., Vahrenkamp, V., Steuber, T., Masse, J.-P., Droste, H.H.J., V. Koppen, J., V/D. Kooij, B., V. Bentum, E., Verwer, K., Hoogerduijn-Straating, E., Swinkels, W., Peters, J., Immenhauser-Potthast, I. and Al Maskery, S.A.J., 2004. The Barremian-Lower Aptian Qishn Formation (Huqf Area, Oman): A new Outcrop Analogue for Kharaib/Shuaiba Reservoirs. GeoArabia, 9(1), 153-194.
Schmahl, W.W., Griesshaber, E., NEUSER, R.D., LENZE, A., Job, R. & Brand, U. (2004): The microstructure of the fibrous layer of terebratulide brachiopod shell calcite.- European Journal of Mineralogy; 16: 693-697.
Nikolai V. Sobolev, Hans-Peter Schertl, R. D. NEUSER and V. S. Shatsky (2004): Significance of carbonate-garnet-clinopyroxene metasedimentary ultrahigh pressure rocks in Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan (in Italia 2004; 32nd international geological congress; abstracts) International Geological Congress, Abstracts = Congres Geologique International, Resumes, 32, Part 1 109.
RICHTER, D. K., Götte, Th., NIGGEMANN, S. and Wurth, G., 2004. REE3+- and Mn2+-activated cathodoluminescence in Late Glacial and Holocene stalagmites of Central Europe: evidence for climatic processes? Holocene, 14,5, 759-767.
Sattler, U., Zampetti, V., Schlager, W. and IMMENHAUSER, A., 2004. Late leaching under deep burial conditions: A case study from the Miocene Zhujiang carbonate reservoir, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 21, 977-992.
TEN VEEN, J.H., 2004. Extension of Hellenic forearc shear zones in SW Turkey: the Pliocene-Quaternary deformation of the Esen Çay Basin. Journal of Geodynamics 37, 181-204.
TEN VEEN, J.H. et al., 2004. Neotectonic evolution of the Anaximander Mountains at the junction of the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs. Tectonophysics, 391, 35-65.
Wieser, M.E., BUHL, D., Bouman, C. and Schwieters, J., 2004. High precision calcium isotope ratio measurements using a magnetic sector multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 19, 844-851.
Wurth, G., NIGGEMANN, S., RICHTER, D.K. and Mangini, A., 2004. The younger Dryas and Holocene climate record of a stalagtite from Hölloch Cave (Bavarian Alps, Germany). Journ. Quat. Science, 19(3), 291-298.
Della Porta, G., Kenter, J.A.M., Bahanmonde, J.R., IMMENHAUSER, A. and Villa, E., 2003. Microbial boundstone dominated carbonate slope (Upper Carboniferous, N Spain): microfacies, lithofacies distribution and stratal geometry. Facies, 49, 175-208.
Dragastan, O. N. and RICHTER, D. K., 2003. Calcareous algae and foraminifers from Neocomian limestones of Methana peninsula, Asprovouni Mts. (Greece) and from Sout Dobrogea (Romania). Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Geology, Special Publication No. 1, 57-128.
Götte, TH. and RICHTER, D. K., 2003. Late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic hydrothermal events in the northern Rhenish Massif: Results from fluid inclusion analyses and cathodoluminescence (CL) investigations. Geofluids IV Utrecht, J. Geochem. Expl., 78-79, 531-535.
HEIMHOFER, U., Hochuli, P.A., Burla, S., Andersen, N. and Weissert, H., 2003. Terrestrial carbon-isotope records from coastal deposits (Algarve, Portugal): a tool for chemostratigraphic correlation on an intrabasinal and global scale. Terra Nova, 15, 8-13.
Neuweiler, F., D'Orazio, V., IMMENHAUSER, A., Geipel, G., Heise, K.-H., Cococzza, C. and Miano, T. M., 2003. Fulvic acid-like organic compounds control nucleation of marine calcite under suboxic conditions. Geology, 31(8), 681-684.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J.A.M., Bahamonde, J.R., 2003. An alternative model for positive shifts in shallow marine carbonate δ13C and δ18O. Sedimentology (Letter Section), 50(5), 953-959.
NIGGEMANN, S., Mangini, A., Mudelsee, M., RICHTER, D.K. and Wurth, G., 2003. Sub-Milankovitch climatic cycles in Holocene stalagmites from Sauerland, Germany.Earth and Planetary science letteres, 216, 539-547.
NIGGEMANN, S., Mangini, A., RICHTER, D.K. and Wurth, G., 2003. A paleoclimate record of the last 17600 years in stalagmites from B7 cave, Sauerland, Germany. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(5-7), 555-567.
RICHTER, D. K., Götte, Th., GÖtze, J. and NEUSER, R. D., 2003. Progress in application of cathodoluminescence (CL) in sedimentary petrology. Mineral. and Petrol., 79, 127-166.
Ring, U., Brachert, T.C., TEN VEEN, J.H. and Kleinspehn, K.L., 2003. Discussion on incipient continental collision and plate-boundary curvature: Late Pliocene - Holocene transtenstional Hellenic forearc, Crete, Greece. Journal of the Geological Society, 160, 819-824.
SCHULTE, U. and Strauss, H., 2003. Biogeochemistry of a deep aquifer-system II: Stable Isotopes. In: Schulz, H. D. (Ed.): Geochemical processes with longterm effects in anthropogenically affected seepage and groundwater, 498-506.
TEN VEEN, J.H. and Kleinspehn, K.L., 2003. Incipient continental collision and plate-boundary curvature: Late Pliocene-Holocene transtensional Hellenic forearc, Crete, Greece. J. Geol. Soc. London, 160, 161-181.
Della Porta, G., Kenter, J.A.M, IMMENHAUSER, A., and Bahamonde J.R., 2002. Lithofacies distribution and anatomy across a Pennsylvanian inner platform transect (Sierra de Cuera, Asturias, Spain). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72(6), 898-916.
Götze, J., Plötze, M., Götte, Th., NEUSER, R. D. and RICHTER, D. K., 2002. Cathodoluminescence (CL) of clay minerals. Mineral and Petrol., 76, 195-212.
IMMENHAUSER, A., Kenter, J.A.M., Ganssen, G., Bahamonde, J.R., Van Vliet, A. and Saher, M.H., 2002. Origin and significance of isotope shifts in Pennsylvanian carbonates (Asturias, NW Spain). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72(1), 82-94.
IMMENHAUSER, A. and Scott, R.W., 2002. An estimate of Albian sea-level amplitudes and its implications for the duration of stratigraphic hiatuses. Sedimentary Geology (Letter Section), 152(1-2), 19-28.
RICHTER, D. K., Götte, Th. and Habermann, D., 2002. Cathodoluminescence of authigenic albite. Sed. Geol., 150(3-4), 367-374.
RICHTER, D. K., Götte, Th., NIGGEMANN, S. and Wurth, G., 2002. Cathodoluminescence of Carbonate speleothems: State of the art. In: Carrasco, F.,Durán, J. J. and Andreo, B. (Eds.): Karst and Environment, 381-387.
Steuber, T., Mitchell, S.F., BUHL, D., Gunter, G. and Kaspar, H.U., 2002.Catastrophic extinction of Caribbean rudist bivalves at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary Geology 30 (11), 999-1002.
TEN VEEN, J.H. and Kleinspehn, K.L., 2002. Geodynamics along an increasingly curved convergent plate margin: Late Miocene-Pleistocene Rhodes (Greece). Tectonics, 21, 10.1029/2001TC001287.