Dr. Sarah Incel
Experimentelle Geophysik

Dr. Sarah Incel

Meine Forschung konzentriert sich darauf, wie Prozesse, die auf der Nano- bis Mikrometerebene stattfinden, z. B. plastische Verformung und metamorphe Reaktionen, die Reaktivität und/oder das Verformungsverhalten von Gesteinen auf der Meter- bis Kilometerebene beeinflussen können. Mein wissenschaftlicher Ansatz ist die experimentelle Arbeit in Verbindung mit umfangreichen mikro- und nanostrukturellen Analysen. In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich Experimente mit der Kolben-Zylinder-Presse und in der Griggs-Deformationsapparatur durchgeführt; beide befinden sich im Labor für Experimentelle Gesteinsphysik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Außerdem hatte ich die besondere Gelegenheit, modernste Verformungsexperimente in einer DDIA durchzuführen, welche auf der 13-BM-D-Synchrotron-Beamline am Advanced Photon Source, National Laboratory, Il, USA, montiert ist. Um die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit der Natur in Beziehung zu setzen, verwende ich maßstabsunabhängige Modelle, die auf Reaktionskinetik basieren, und vergleiche die experimentellen Mikrostrukturen mit natürlichen Mikrostrukturen in Gesteinen, die ich im Gelände gesammelt habe.

Incel, S., Baïsset, M., Labrousse, L., & Schubnel, A. Deformation-facilitated melting of plagioclase. Under review in Journal of Metamorphic Geology

Incel, S., Milke, R., Wunder, B., 2022. Orthopyroxene rim growth during reaction of (Co, Ni, Mn, Zn)-doped forsterite and quartz: Experimental constraints on element distribution and grain boundary diffusion. Miner Petrol.

Zhong, X., Petley-Ragan, A.J., Incel, S., Dabrowski, M., Andersen, N.H., Jamtveit, B., 2021. Lower crustal earthquake associated with highly pressurized frictional melts. Nat. Geosci. 14, 519–525.

Incel, S., Renner, J., Jamtveit, B., 2020. Evolution of brittle structures in plagioclase‐rich rocks at high‐pressure and high‐temperature conditions – Linking laboratory results to field observations. Geochemistry, Geophys. Geosystems 21, 1–18.

Incel, S., Labrousse, L., Hilairet, N., John, T., Gasc, J., Shi, F., Wang, Y., Andersen, T.B., Renard, F., Jamtveit, B., Schubnel, A., 2019. Reaction-induced embrittlement of the lower continental crust. Geology 47, 235–238.

Incel, S., Schubnel, A., Renner, J., John, T., Labrousse, L., Hilairet, N., Freeman, H., Wang, Y., Renard, F., Jamtveit, B., 2019. Experimental evidence for wall-rock pulverization during dynamic rupture at ultra-high pressure conditions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 528.

Jamtveit, B., Petley-Ragan, A., Incel, S., Dunkel, K.G., Aupart, C., Austrheim, H., Corfu, F., Menegon, L., Renard, F., 2019. The Effects of Earthquakes and Fluids on the Metamorphism of the Lower Continental Crust. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 124.

Shi, F., Wang, Y., Yu, T., Zhu, L., Zhang, J., Wen, J., Gasc, J., Incel, S., Schubnel, A., Li, Z., Chen, T., Liu, W., Prakapenka, V., Jin, Z., 2018. Lower-crustal earthquakes in southern Tibet are linked to eclogitization of dry metastable granulite. Nat. Commun. 9.

Ferrand, T.P., Hilairet, N., Incel, S., Deldicque, D., Labrousse, L., Gasc, J., Renner, J., Wang, Y., Green, H.W., Schubnel, A., 2017. Dehydration-driven stress transfer triggers intermediate-depth earthquakes. Nat. Commun. 8, 1–11.

Incel, S., Hilairet, N., Labrousse, L., John, T., Deldicque, D., Ferrand, T.P., Wang, Y., Morales, L., Schubnel, A., 2017. Laboratory earthquakes triggered during eclogitization of lawsonite-bearing blueschist. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 459, 320–331.

Academic Career

07.2021 – 06.2022      Postdoctoral researcher at Ruhr-Universität Bochum in the working group Experimental Geophysics

04.2020 – 06.2021      Humboldt Return Fellowship at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in the working group Experimental Geophysics

09.2019 – 03.2020      Postdoctoral researcher in a joint project between the Universität Wien and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum

09.2017 – 08.2019      Feodor Lynen-Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation at the University of Oslo

04.2014 – 05.2017      PhD at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris

03.2012 – 03.2014      Master of Science in Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin and the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

10.2008 – 02.2012     Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin

Professional Memberships & Awards

06/2016                       Beate Mocek-Preis (’Beate Mocek-Award’) 2016 of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG) (’German Mineralogical Association’)

Since 2010                  Member of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG) (’German Mineralogical Association’)

Teaching Experiences

Since 06.2021            Supervision of the Master student Katharina Mohrbach

10.2019 – 03.2020     B.Sc. course on ‘How to write a report’

11.2019                      Co-supervision of the Master student Philipp Thospann

10.2012 – 03.2014      Tutor for the M.Sc. course ‘Advanced Mineralogy’, and for the B.Sc. courses ‘Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology’, ‘Metamorphic Petrology’, ‘Introduction to Polarized Light Microscopy’

Invited Talks & Seminars


06.2020                      ETH Zürich

11.2018                      Universität Wien

06.2017                      Université de Lausanne

03.2017                      University of Oslo

03.2016                      Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Conference presentations:

04.2020                      EGU General Assembly

12.2018                      AGU Fall meeting

09.2018                      Keynote speaker at GeoBonn

04.2018                      EGU General Assembly       

Grants & Fellowships

04.2020 – 03.2021     Return Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation

07.2018                       Travel grant from GEO.X for a collaborative study between the University of Oslo, GFZ Potsdam, and the Freie Universität Berlin

09.2017 – 08.2019      Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation


10.2016                       Exhibitor at a research exhibition on subduction zone processes (https://www.visite-virtuelle360.fr/visite-virtuelle/171110-UPMC/)

2012 – 2014                Manager of the polarized light microscopy laboratory during the annual Girl’s Day and the Long Night of Science


Experimental             Piston-cylinder press, Griggs deformation press, D-DIA apparatus

Analytical                   Scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray tomography, transmission electron microscopy, electron-backscatter diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, polarized light microscopy

Software                     MATLAB, LaTeX, Microsoft Office, PerpleX, Theriak Domino, Fit2D, multifit-polydefix, Adobe Illustrator

Languages                   German (mother tongue), English (fluent written and spoken), French (fluent written and spoken)

Büro: IA 4/145
Tel.: +49 (0)234 32-19804
E-Mail: sarah.incel % rub.de